Status: Applied
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: ODF 1.2 CD 05
Fix Version/s: ODF 1.2 CD 06
Component/s: Graphics, Part 3 (Schema) [1.2: 1]
This branch from OFFICE-2847 addresses the specific reference to the [HTML4] <applet> reference for a definition of the ODF 1.2 CD05 10.4.7 <draw:applet>.
That <draw:applet> is under-defined is part of the public comment from 2010-06-29, as a repetition and reminder of a public comment made on 2010-02-06, <http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/201002/msg00007.html>.
The relevant passage is
"Java applets are nowhere defined in the text and no normative reference is provided."
It is the case that we now say, in section 10.4.7 <draw:applet> that now provides this definition:
The <draw:applet> element represents an applet that is embedded in a document. Its semantics are the same as the <applet> element in HTML. §13.4 of [HTML4]. This element shall have either a draw:code or draw:object attribute.
I checked the relevant section of [HTML4} and I can't see how the semantics can be the same. In particular, I note the following ways in which the semantics of the [HTML4] element don't seem to be mapped/preserved into <draw:applet> and it is not clear how the mapping is intended for (1) what is missing that is provided by [HTML4] and (2) what is different than [HTML4].
Here are the items I found:
1. In the referenced [HTML4] <applet> and all of its attributes are deprecated in favor of [HTML4] <object>.
2. In the <draw:applet> element we provide no @codebase which is essential for archive and object resolution. We also need to state whether there shall be [RFC3987] IRIs in this string and in <draw:archive> and whether they are interpreted in accordance with the rules for resolution of relative IRIs in ODF 1.2 packages, when the <draw:applet> is in an XML file within a package.
3. Our use of draw:object does not agree with the provision in [HTML4]
4. There is no provision for a draw:name or other name on the <draw:applet> corresponding to the applet @name. This is important because of how applets are accessed and how applets find each other.
5. It is not stated how @width and @height parameters are provided for the applet, since there are no such attributes on <draw:applet> itself.
6. The HTML 4 Applet allows text content in addition to <param> child elements and this content is a substitute for user agents that do not support the applet (meaningful if the last element of a <draw:frame> and there is no recourse).
7. The additional HTML 4 Applet attributes that might be relevant (except @id) are not addressed at all, including: @class, @title, @style, @alt, @align, @hspace, and @vspace, where there are ODF 1.2 counterparts.
8. It is probably worth pointing out that applets do not require access to any DOM for the document (as is also true for the [HTML4] <object> element), but they may require access to other applets and applets can be supplied to other applets as parameters depending, of course, on how particular applets work as objects. (So there may need to be an understood object model for the instantiation of an applet directly and from within a running applet, but applet execution doesn't need any DOM.)