
    • Proposal:

      1. Correct the description of the office:value-type="string" cases.

      2. Correct the description of the office:value-type="void" case.

      3. Double-check the descriptions of the Value Attribute attributes to ensure that their values are described correctly, especially when the value is a list rather than a single scalar value. (Any such defects will be reported separately.)

      1. Correct the description of the office:value-type="string" cases. 2. Correct the description of the office:value-type="void" case. 3. Double-check the descriptions of the Value Attribute attributes to ensure that their values are described correctly, especially when the value is a list rather than a single scalar value. (Any such defects will be reported separately.)
    • Resolution:

      In ODF 1.2 Part1 section 19.387

      1. Replace the third-paragraph sentence
      If the value type is not string, the office:value attribute shall contain the value of the element.
      If the value type is not string, the corresponding Value Attribute(s) (table 14) shall contain the value(s) of the element.

      2. In the Table 14 row for the value type "void" replace the Value Attribute(s) entry with the word "none" (in regular type) and delete the text in the "Encoded As" entry.

      In ODF 1.2 Part1 section 19.387 1. Replace the third-paragraph sentence """ If the value type is not string, the office:value attribute shall contain the value of the element. """ with """ If the value type is not string, the corresponding Value Attribute(s) (table 14) shall contain the value(s) of the element. """ 2. In the Table 14 row for the value type "void" replace the Value Attribute(s) entry with the word "none" (in regular type) and delete the text in the "Encoded As" entry.


      The restructuring of the treatment of 18,387 with a table has resulted in defects that cause deviation from ODF 1.0 Errata 02. There are also improvements.

      1. There are contradictory statements concerning the office:value-type="string" case. This is apparently because "office:value" is stated when "Value Attribute" is intended.

      2. office:value-type="void" only applies for a form property type and there is no accompanying Value Attribute in that case.

      This task is only for reconciliation of Errata 02, so only only new defects that are inconsistent with the schema and the coverage of the corresponding Errata 02 items and related defect reports are treated here.

      However, it is very confusing to have one table that applies to all cases of office:value-type, especially for the form-property-type-and-value-list case where there are multiple elements in a list that have the individual value Attribute cases, based on the office:value-type attribute of the parent element. It takes considerable effort to analyze the schema to establish what the allowed cases actually are depending on the element where an office:value-type attribute is allowed.

      I also don't think the note about table cells versus field values is helpful.

      The meta:value-type definition seems to work without all of this, although I notice there is no statement there about omission of an office:string-value attribute when meta:value-type="string" (the default).

      And, finally, percentage is not precisely defined. The example suggests that there is no difference between percentage and float, so is 1% a value of "1.00 or "0.01"? If "0.01" is this really a type or is it a style/value-entry/formula-result trigger for adjustments made before seting the office:value attribute?




            • Assignee:
              patrick Patrick Durusau
              orcmid Dennis Hamilton (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              0 Start watching this issue


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