"The defined values for the style:horizontal-pos attribute are:
center: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to a specific area for documents within an <office:text> element.
from-inside: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to a specific area for documents, on pages with an even page number within an <office:text> element.
from-left: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to a specific area for documents, on pages with an odd page number within an <office:text> element.
inside: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to a specific area for documents, on pages with an even page number within an <office:text> element.
left: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to a specific area for documents, on pages with an odd page number within an <office:text> element.
outside: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to a specific area for documents, on pages with an even page number within an <office:text> element.
right: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to a specific area for documents, on pages with an odd page number within an <office:text> element.
The area where a position appears to is specified by the style:horizontal-rel attribute.
If the attribute value is from-left or from-inside, the svg:x attribute associated with the frame element specifies the horizontal position of the frame. Otherwise the svg:x attribute is ignored for text documents."
"The area where the position for the horizonzal alignment appears to is specified by the style:horizontal-rel attribute.
The defined values for the style:horizontal-pos attribute are:
from-left: the svg:x attribute associated with the frame element specifies the horizontal position of the frame from the left edge of the specific area for documents with an <office:text> element.
left: horizontal alignment of a frame should be left-aligned in relation to the specific area for documents with an <office:text> element.
center: horizontal alignment of a frame should be centered in relation to the specific area for documents with an <office:text> element.
right: horizontal alignment of a frame should be right-aligned in relation to the specific area for documents with an <office:text> element.
from-inside: on pages with an odd page number the left edge of the specific area for documents with an <office:text> element is taken as the horizontal alignment of a frame. On pages with an even page number the right edge of the specific area for document with an <office:text> element is taken. Attribute svg:x associated with the frame element specifies the horizontal position of the frame from the edge which is taken.
inside: on pages with an odd page number the horizontal alignment of a frame is the same as for the attribute value left. On pages with an even page number the horizontal alignment of a frame is the same as for the attribute value right.
outside: on pages with an odd page number the horizontal alignment of a frame is the same as for the attribute value right. On pages with an even page number the horizontal alignment of a frame is the same as for the attribute value left.
If the attribute value is not from-left and not from-inside, the svg:x attribute associated with the frame element is ignored for text documents."