Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: ODF 1.2
Fix Version/s: ODF 1.3
Component/s: Part 3 (Schema) [1.2: 1], Presentation
10.8.4 reads:
The <presentation:show-text> element defines an effect that makes text within a shape visible. Prior to execution of the effect defined by this element the shape and the text it contains are invisible.
Francis (Cave) asks: Is the shape as well as the text invisible prior to the execution of the effect? Given that the effect only makes the text visible, I'd have assumed that the shape itself was not affected.
10.8.3 The <presentation:show-shape> element specifies when and how a shape becomes visible.
Prior to execution of the effect defined by this element the shape containing it is invisible.
So shouldn't the shape be visible and the text visible/invisible based on the effect defined by <presentation:show-text>?