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  1. OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC
  2. OFFICE-4113

CLONE - Public Comment: [ODF 1.2] Comment missing, whether error values are propagated


    • Proposal:

      In section 6.13.6 COUNT replace
      Errors are not propagated.
      This function does not propagate Error values.

      In section 6.13.7 COUNTA replace
      Errors contained in a range are considered a non-blank value for purposes of the count; errors do not propagate. Constant expressions or formulas are allowed; these are evaluated and if they produce an Error value the Error value is counted as one non-blank value (and not propagated as an Error).
      Errors contained in a range are considered a non-blank value for purposes of the count. Constant expressions or formulas are allowed; these are evaluated and if they produce an Error value the Error value is counted as one non-blank value. This function does not propagate Error values.

      In section 6.13.11 ERROR.TYPE replace
      Note that unlike most functions, this function does not propagate Error values.
      This function does not propagate Error values.

      In section 6.13.12 FORMULA replace
      Error results of the referred formula cell are not propagated.
      This function does not propagate Error values.

      In section 6.13.15 ISERR, section 6.13.16 ISERROR replace
      Note that this function does not propagate Error values.
      This function does not propagate Error values.

      In section 6.13.6 COUNT replace Errors are not propagated. with This function does not propagate Error values. In section 6.13.7 COUNTA replace Errors contained in a range are considered a non-blank value for purposes of the count; errors do not propagate. Constant expressions or formulas are allowed; these are evaluated and if they produce an Error value the Error value is counted as one non-blank value (and not propagated as an Error). with Errors contained in a range are considered a non-blank value for purposes of the count. Constant expressions or formulas are allowed; these are evaluated and if they produce an Error value the Error value is counted as one non-blank value. This function does not propagate Error values. In section 6.13.11 ERROR.TYPE replace Note that unlike most functions, this function does not propagate Error values. with This function does not propagate Error values. In section 6.13.12 FORMULA replace Error results of the referred formula cell are not propagated. with This function does not propagate Error values. In section 6.13.15 ISERR, section 6.13.16 ISERROR replace Note that this function does not propagate Error values. with This function does not propagate Error values.
    • Resolution:


      6.13.6 COUNT

      Summary: Count the number of Numbers provided.

      Syntax: COUNT( { NumberSequenceList N }+ )

      Returns: Number

      Constraints: One or more parameters.

      Semantics: Counts the numbers in the list N. Only numbers in references are counted; all other types are ignored. Errors are not propagated. This function does not propagate Error values. It is implementation-defined what happens if 0 parameters are passed, but it should be an Error or 0.

      See also COUNTA 6.13.7

      6.13.7 COUNTA

      Summary: Count the number of non-empty values.

      Syntax: COUNTA( { Any AnyValue }+ )

      Returns: Number

      Constraints: None.

      Semantics: Counts the number of non-blank values. A value is non-blank if it contains any content of any type, including an Error. In a reference, every cell that is not empty is included in the count. An empty string value ("") is not considered blank. Errors contained in a range are considered a non-blank value for purposes of the count ; errors do not propagate . Constant expressions or formulas are allowed; these are evaluated and if they produce an Error value the Error value is counted as one non-blank value (and not propagated as an Error) . This function does not propagate Error values. It is implementation-defined what happens if 0 parameters are passed, but it should be an Error or 0.

      See also COUNT 6.13.6, ISBLANK 6.13.14

      6.13.11 ERROR.TYPE

      Summary: Returns Number representing the specific Error type.

      Syntax: ERROR.TYPE( Error E )

      Returns: Number

      Constraints: None.

      Semantics: Returns a number representing what kind of Error has occurred. Note that unlike most functions, This function does not propagate Error values. Receiving a non-Error value returns an Error. In particular, ERROR.TYPE(NA()) returns 7, and ERROR.TYPE applied to a non-Error returns an Error.

      See also NA 6.13.27

      6.13.12 FORMULA

      Summary: Returns formula at given reference as text.

      Syntax: FORMULA( Reference X )

      Returns: String

      Constraints: Reference X shall contain a formula.

      Semantics: Returns the formula in reference X as a string. The specific syntax of this returned string is implementation-defined. This function is intended to aid debugging by simplifying display of formulas in other cells. Error results of the referred formula cell are not propagated. This function does not propagate Error values.

      See also ISFORMULA 6.13.18

      6.13.15 ISERR

      Summary: Return TRUE if the parameter has type Error and is not #N/A, else return FALSE.

      Syntax: ISERR( Scalar X )

      Returns: Logical

      Constraints: None

      Semantics: If X is of type Error, and ISNA(X) is not true, returns TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE. Note that this function returns FALSE if given #N/A; if this is not desired, use ISERROR 6.13.16. Note that This function does not propagate Error values.

      ISERR(X) is the same as:


      See also ERROR.TYPE 6.13.11, ISERROR 6.13.16, ISNA 6.13.20, ISNUMBER 6.13.22, ISTEXT 6.13.25, NA 6.13.27

      6.13.16 ISERROR

      Summary: Return TRUE if the parameter has type Error, else return FALSE.

      Syntax: ISERROR( Scalar X )

      Returns: Logical

      Constraints: None

      Semantics: If X is of type Error, returns TRUE, else returns FALSE. Note that this function returns TRUE if given #N/A; if this is not desired, use ISERR 6.13.15. Note that This function does not propagate Error values.

      See also ERROR.TYPE 6.13.11, ISERR 6.13.15, ISNA 6.13.20, ISNUMBER 6.13.22, ISTEXT 6.13.25, NA 6.13.27


      DRAFT RESOLUTION: 6.13.6 COUNT Summary: Count the number of Numbers provided. Syntax: COUNT( { NumberSequenceList N } + ) Returns: Number Constraints: One or more parameters. Semantics: Counts the numbers in the list N . Only numbers in references are counted; all other types are ignored. Errors are not propagated. This function does not propagate Error values. It is implementation-defined what happens if 0 parameters are passed, but it should be an Error or 0. See also COUNTA 6.13.7 6.13.7 COUNTA Summary: Count the number of non-empty values. Syntax: COUNTA( { Any AnyValue } + ) Returns: Number Constraints: None. Semantics: Counts the number of non-blank values. A value is non-blank if it contains any content of any type, including an Error. In a reference, every cell that is not empty is included in the count. An empty string value ("") is not considered blank. Errors contained in a range are considered a non-blank value for purposes of the count ; errors do not propagate . Constant expressions or formulas are allowed; these are evaluated and if they produce an Error value the Error value is counted as one non-blank value (and not propagated as an Error) . This function does not propagate Error values. It is implementation-defined what happens if 0 parameters are passed, but it should be an Error or 0. See also COUNT 6.13.6, ISBLANK 6.13.14 6.13.11 ERROR.TYPE Summary: Returns Number representing the specific Error type. Syntax: ERROR.TYPE( Error E ) Returns: Number Constraints: None. Semantics: Returns a number representing what kind of Error has occurred. Note that unlike most functions, This function does not propagate Error values. Receiving a non -Error value returns an Error. In particular, ERROR.TYPE(NA()) returns 7, and ERROR.TYPE applied to a non-Error returns an Error. See also NA 6.13.27 6.13.12 FORMULA Summary: Returns formula at given reference as text. Syntax: FORMULA( Reference X ) Returns: String Constraints: Reference X shall contain a formula. Semantics: Returns the formula in reference X as a string. The specific syntax of this returned string is implementation-defined. This function is intended to aid debugging by simplifying display of formulas in other cells. Error results of the referred formula cell are not propagated. This function does not propagate Error values. See also ISFORMULA 6.13.18 6.13.15 ISERR Summary: Return TRUE if the parameter has type Error and is not #N/A, else return FALSE. Syntax: ISERR( Scalar X ) Returns: Logical Constraints: None Semantics: If X is of type Error, and ISNA( X ) is not true, returns TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE. Note that this function returns FALSE if given #N/A; if this is not desired, use ISERROR 6.13.16. Note that This function does not propagate Error values. ISERR( X ) is the same as: IF(ISNA( X ),FALSE(),ISERROR( X )) See also ERROR.TYPE 6.13.11, ISERROR 6.13.16, ISNA 6.13.20, ISNUMBER 6.13.22, ISTEXT 6.13.25, NA 6.13.27 6.13.16 ISERROR Summary: Return TRUE if the parameter has type Error, else return FALSE. Syntax: ISERROR( Scalar X ) Returns: Logical Constraints: None Semantics: If X is of type Error, returns TRUE, else returns FALSE. Note that this function returns TRUE if given #N/A; if this is not desired, use ISERR 6.13.15. Note that This function does not propagate Error values. See also ERROR.TYPE 6.13.11, ISERR 6.13.15, ISNA 6.13.20, ISNUMBER 6.13.22, ISTEXT 6.13.25, NA 6.13.27  


      Copied from office-comment list

      Original author: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@t-online.de>
      Original date: 2 Jul 2011 23:33:54 -0000
      Original URL: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/201107/msg00001.html



          patrick Patrick Durusau added a comment -

          Clone of Office-3713, which has been applied in ODF 1.3

          Question for ODF 1.4 - when we say: Note that this function does not propagate Error values. Is that a "note" in the sense of non-normative observation or a formal requirement for the function?

          If formal requirement, change wording to: "This function does not propagate Error values."

          patrick Patrick Durusau added a comment - Clone of Office-3713, which has been applied in ODF 1.3 Question for ODF 1.4 - when we say: Note that this function does not propagate Error values. Is that a "note" in the sense of non-normative observation or a formal requirement for the function? If formal requirement, change wording to: "This function does not propagate Error values."
          regina.henschel Regina Henschel added a comment -

          Section 5.12. Constant Errors hat the sentence, "Functions shall propagate Errors unless stated otherwise." Therefore the affected function need to state it. The required sentence "This function does not propagate Error values." is already used in sections 6.13.14 ISBLANK, 6.13.18 ISFORMULA, 6.13.19 ISLOGICAL, 6.13.20 ISNA, 6.13.21 ISNONTEXT, 6.13.22 ISNUMBER, 6.13.24 ISREF, 6.13.25 ISTEXT and 6.13.33 TYPE.
          6.13.6 COUNT has the text "Errors are not propagated." It should be replaced to use the same sentence in all cases.

          The word "not" is in emphasized in the proposal as in the existing cases.

          regina.henschel Regina Henschel added a comment - Section 5.12. Constant Errors hat the sentence, "Functions shall propagate Errors unless stated otherwise." Therefore the affected function need to state it. The required sentence "This function does not propagate Error values." is already used in sections 6.13.14 ISBLANK, 6.13.18 ISFORMULA, 6.13.19 ISLOGICAL, 6.13.20 ISNA, 6.13.21 ISNONTEXT, 6.13.22 ISNUMBER, 6.13.24 ISREF, 6.13.25 ISTEXT and 6.13.33 TYPE. 6.13.6 COUNT has the text "Errors are not propagated." It should be replaced to use the same sentence in all cases. The word "not" is in emphasized in the proposal as in the existing cases.
          patrick Patrick Durusau added a comment -

          As per the resolution.

          patrick Patrick Durusau added a comment - As per the resolution.


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              rcweir Robert Weir (Inactive)
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