- OFFICE-2736Public Comment: Disposition of N1078:27 and N1078:29 in Errata Part 02 in Errata Draft 04 Rev03
- OFFICE-2735Public Comment: Disposition of N1078:25 in Errata Part 02 in Errata Draft 04 Rev03
- OFFICE-2622Public Comment: ODF 1.2 draft 4 comment: Generic mechanism for storing interprocess communication parameters
- OFFICE-1435Public Comment: RE: [office-comment] Requirement - allow setting "units" on spreadsheet cells
- OFFICE-1431Public Comment: Requirement: SVG Integration
- OFFICE-1281Public Comment: Requirement [Markup Compatability and Extensibility]
- OFFICE-1263Public Comment: Request: Work better with Source Code Management System
- OFFICE-1148Public Comment: Demand for modification of ODF file format about regression curve in spreadsheet
- OFFICE-498Public Comment: DISTINCT Values
- OFFICE-426Public Comment: RFE: Vertical justification
- OFFICE-3951Restore formatting for references
- OFFICE-3688Public Comment: ODF-Next: 3D and WebGL
- OFFICE-3689Public Comment: Open Formula test cases
- OFFICE-3680CLONE -Public Comment: Proposal to improve change tracking in ODF
- OFFICE-740Public Comment: Re: [office] Next set of public comments for review (#18-#35)
- OFFICE-1221Public Comment: <text:s> element (etc) needs to be removed (ODF 1.2)
- OFFICE-1276Public Comment: Inadequate modelling of bibliographic citations (ODF all version)
- OFFICE-1374Public Comment: Requirement Real SVG
- OFFICE-1376Public Comment: Requirement [ODF needs to support round-tripping of all HTML and CSS features]
- OFFICE-2529Public Comment: An analysis of the <text:meta-field> element
- OFFICE-3770Inconsistency within list of allowed elements for attribut style:background-transparency (ODF 1.2)
- OFFICE-3991CLONE - Public Comment: CS01 "ODF Consumer" -> "OpenDocument Consumer"
- OFFICE-3894Office-3662 was applied but prior to subversion - apply schema and text
- OFFICE-3674Public Comment: PRD03 use of the word "will"
- OFFICE-1141Public Comment: Expand CONCATENATE() to Ranges
- OFFICE-3769draw:background-size" misses default & not available for <style:drawing-page-properties> (ODF 1.2)
- OFFICE-3788Make xml:ids stable over the lifetime of a document
- OFFICE-3771Public Comment: 2's complement negative and 10 binary digits
- OFFICE-2572Public Comment: Requirement
- OFFICE-2183Public Comment: Requirement
- OFFICE-2179Public Comment: Requirement
- OFFICE-2151Public Comment: Requirement
- OFFICE-2134Public Comment: Re: [office-comment] Table names (ODF all versions)
- OFFICE-1981CLONE -Public Comment: ODF makes incorrect usage of Dublin Core properties
- OFFICE-1395Public Comment: Requirement: objective, executable conformance requirements & Schematron
- OFFICE-1378Public Comment: Requirement - reinvent the spreadsheet
- OFFICE-1377Public Comment: Requirement [ODF needs to be audited against the requirements of CDRF]
- OFFICE-1286Public Comment: Requirement [Remove form:control-implementation and form:properties]
- OFFICE-1262Public Comment: Office requirements -- Text case attributes
- OFFICE-1253Public Comment: Requirement: page and line break indicators
- OFFICE-568Public Comment: Change Tracking issue
- OFFICE-2734Public Comment: Comments on 7.3.1 "Index Scope", Errata Part 02 in Errata Draft 04 Rev03
- OFFICE-3271rfc-language attributes
- OFFICE-33167.3.6 <text:sender-* elements should be re-named if retained at all.
- OFFICE-4167Problems with implied iteration (array mode) and rule 2.2.1, section 3.3, part4, ODF 1.3
- OFFICE-4166Kind of result is unclear for function INDIRECT in array mode.
- OFFICE-3764Public Comment: Cannot resolve parameter type "Criterion", which is used in SUMIF e.g.
- OFFICE-3762Public Comment: units for angles test files
- OFFICE-3734Public Comment: explaination ascii-art of the label-alignment mode for list placement
- OFFICE-3733Public Comment: style:flow-with-text needs some clarifications
- OFFICE-3732Public Comment: marking directionality of text inside a paragraph
- OFFICE-3730Public Comment: improvements for interpolation in charts
- OFFICE-3687Public Comment: RE: [office-comment] Proposal for new document element, "Documenthistory"
- OFFICE-3686Public Comment: Proposal for new document element, "Document history"
- OFFICE-3682Public Comment: User Feedback: Indexing Enhancement (ODF 1.2/ODF-Next?)
- OFFICE-2558Public Comment: ODF 1.2 Part3 cd01 - pkg:attachesTo (Feature request)
- OFFICE-2154Public Comment: Requirement
- OFFICE-2081Public Comment: Ambiguity concerning named ranges in charts
- OFFICE-2049custom shape enhancement
- OFFICE-1999Public Comment: NUMBERTEXT/MONEYTEXT proposal for OpenFormula
- OFFICE-1839Public Comment: Requirement
- OFFICE-1503Diagonal Table Header
- OFFICE-1502Use of OASIS DSS-X "Visual Signature" profile to incorporate visible information into documents as part of the digital signature operation
- OFFICE-1436Public Comment: Requirement: OpenDocument files versionning
- OFFICE-1426Public Comment: Greek Numbering Notation System -- Correction Requirement for ODF-Next
- OFFICE-1157Public Comment: Integrated treatment of formulas/equations in OpenDocument
- OFFICE-1149Public Comment: Re: [office-comment] Demand for modification of ODF file format aboutregression curve in spreadsheet
- OFFICE-913Public Comment: Extending Named Ranges: DataFrames
- OFFICE-779Public Comment: Suggestion: border styles on style:columns and style:column elements
- OFFICE-4169Add a new attribute contains-footer to <table:database-range> (9.4.15, part3, ODF 1.3)
- OFFICE-3786Part 1, 19.686 table:operator has no definition for empty/non-empty cell
- OFFICE-37684.7 Empty Cell terminology and its uses in Part 3 Schema and Part 4 OpenFormula
- OFFICE-4168Improvements to "Non-Scalar Evaluation (aka 'Array expressions')", section 3.3 part 4
- OFFICE-4163Formally define "vector"
- OFFICE-3709ODF 1.3: Package Encryption Enhancements
- OFFICE-4165Extend style:paragraph-properties attributes to also accept font-relative length units
- OFFICE-3708ODF 1.2 Part 3 SHA256 Digest-Algorithm URI Incorrect
- OFFICE-4164Improve part Semantics of 6.14.8 LOOKUP
- OFFICE-4162Adding "structured references" to reference a part of a database range
- OFFICE-4161Make function syntax conform the template
- OFFICE-4109ODF 1.3 Chapter 19 - Optional Attributes - But No Default Values
- OFFICE-3955No default declared for chart:data-label-series boolean attribute
- OFFICE-4100style:rel-height is applies only within frames - need broader applicability.
- OFFICE-3854[graphic-properties] Proposal: different relative size relations
- OFFICE-3780 18.3.18 length and 19.573 svg:width - percentage and negative length
- OFFICE-2156[xml-names] ODF 1.2 profile
- OFFICE-2576Public Comment: On RDF in ODF
- OFFICE-3901Non-normative text to illustrate the use of RDF to include DC metadata
- OFFICE-3899Rework usage of SVG namespace usages of NCNames to conform with SVG requirements
- OFFICE-3900Rework usage of SVG keywords to avoid redefinition
- OFFICE-3897Extract ODF-only features missing from SVG, liaise with W3C about that
- OFFICE-4150Frames may break between pages in text documents
- OFFICE-4111Rule missing for marker in enhanced-path
- OFFICE-4131Inline content controls for text documents
- OFFICE-4083ODF deliverable DIFF as PDF should be omitted or fixed
- OFFICE-2119Member Proposal: date axis on charts
- OFFICE-3664Additional chart type: box plot
- OFFICE-3835Color and tone adjustments miss a rule for background and alpha channel
- OFFICE-3843[text] additional text-properties for extra border attributes
- OFFICE-3847Simplify Line Height handling
- OFFICE-3880cell-content-is-between is underspecified
- OFFICE-3884Custom display names in data pilot tables
- OFFICE-3939draw:textarea-...-align (20.166,20.167) needs improvement
- OFFICE-3944Proposal for new value of style:ruby-position
- OFFICE-3949LINEST: default value for arrayX underspecified
- OFFICE-3995Allow native SVG instead of <office:binary-data> for images
- OFFICE-4084Inconsistencies in the use of paragraph, character and list styles
- OFFICE-4024Conformance clause 2.2.1 D, D3 - w or w/o namespace the same?
- OFFICE-4081Improved usability for ODF users by providing the default values as XML
- OFFICE-4097Change Tracking in ODF
- OFFICE-4045Clean-up styles for ODF 1.4
- OFFICE-3887Add schematron that validates features that Relax NG cannot
- OFFICE-4039Attribute text:name of <text:drop-down> and text:value of <text:label> are missing in appendix
- OFFICE-4082Editing processes of our ODF TC deliverables
- OFFICE-4127Assign Layouts to Master Slides
- OFFICE-4079ODF 1.3 CS02 Specification Editorial Fixes
- OFFICE-411719.218.2 draw:style in <draw:gradient> needs sample images
- OFFICE-4085Fixed value of attribute manifest:version on element <manifest:manifest> is incorrect in the specification
- OFFICE-4053Namespace, version for pkg Table 2
- OFFICE-3947Wrong normative reference for attribute 20.349 style:shadow
- OFFICE-3862Public Comment: Improve/Correct specification on change tracking for deletion of list item selection on different list levels
- OFFICE-3861Public Comment: Improve/Correct specification on change tracking for deletion of list item selection on same list level
- OFFICE-4091Advanced Navigation of Presentations/Spreadsheets
- OFFICE-4048Reset for meta count (currently counts all pages in a document)
- OFFICE-4068Chart:interpolation values not generated, listed in Appendix G, schema has no comment
- OFFICE-4054CLONE - from Office-3868 - RFC4288 -> RFC6838 Appendix C
- OFFICE-4051Generated values inconsistent with text - 4.16.9
- OFFICE-4078The technical term "baseline" is not defined.
- OFFICE-4076Be more precise about the values 'text', 'char' and 'line' in style:vertical-rel
- OFFICE-3825How to calculate the start and end point of an elliptical arc from given angles
- OFFICE-3772draw:type and draw:engine interaction
- OFFICE-3829Color and Tone Adjustments specifications need improvement
- OFFICE-3660Current table template architecture doesn't support inner horizontal or vertical cell borders
- OFFICE-4058CLONE - of Office-3857 - mods to descriptions 17.2, style:scale-to, style:scale-to-page
- OFFICE-4049text opacity property
- OFFICE-3669Draft ODF-Next Proposal: XPATH() spreadsheet function
- OFFICE-2120Member Proposal: data cache,field name, source field id, and cell-auto-resize for data pilot
- OFFICE-3670Add cache-index for DataPilot Field members
- OFFICE-3702ODF 1.2 SHA256 Digest-Algorithm URI Incorrect
- OFFICE-2101Member Proposal: Image in custom shape
- OFFICE-3721CLONE -Incorrect reference in 3.15.1
- OFFICE-353Public Comment: Alternative Glyphs
- OFFICE-499Public Comment: Data Type Specification and Conversion like in FORTRESS
- OFFICE-513Public Comment: Interface META-Functions
- OFFICE-669Public Comment: Better Indexing?
- OFFICE-688Public Comment: RE: [office-comment] Ambiguity problems caused by a:defaultValue
- OFFICE-734Public Comment: Statistical SUMMARY() function
- OFFICE-915Public Comment: Extending LOOKUP() Functions
- OFFICE-18714.6 <text:soft-page-break>
- OFFICE-1913Public Comment: mime-types for common structural elements [package extensibility]
- OFFICE-2004Public Comment: ODF-Next -- Text Case Attributes, Please
- OFFICE-2009Border for random text span
- OFFICE-2016Support X3D in ODF
- OFFICE-2074Custom display names in data pilot tables
- OFFICE-2075Spreadsheet table protection options
- OFFICE-2172ODF-Next proposal: Phonetic properties in table cell
- OFFICE-2667URIs in manifest.xml
- OFFICE-3557Public Comment: BASE(): support two's complement negative binary numbers
- OFFICE-3885FLOOR mode description
- OFFICE-3731Public Comment: polynomial regression curve in charts
- OFFICE-3792style:writing-mode attribute (on elements sections) - confused wording
- OFFICE-3830draw:gamma has no algorithm for calculating the output color
- OFFICE-3831A rule for the order of color and tone adjustments filter is missing
- OFFICE-3832Which objects can get color and tone adjustments and how they are named
- OFFICE-3834When will the output color be clipped to the maximal color range, after each filter or at last step?
- OFFICE-3833draw:contrast and draw:luminance have no algorithm
- OFFICE-3785[spreadsheet] Proposal: extended conditional formatting
- OFFICE-3774Definition of draw:angle in ODF1.2 does not fit to implementation
- OFFICE-3775Orientation problems with angles
- OFFICE-3758The addition for draw:circle in 19.571.10 not clear
- OFFICE-37019.1.7 <table:table-header-rows>
- OFFICE-3700repeating rows & repeat column
- OFFICE-3554ODF 1.2 Part 1 10.5.5 <dr3d:extrude> ambiguity
- OFFICE-2655Support for non.compressed encrypted files
- OFFICE-2131Member Proposal: table:target-cell-address attribute optional
- OFFICE-2132Member Proposal: use xml:id in custom slide shows
- OFFICE-2129Member Proposal: repeatCount values
- OFFICE-2130Member Proposal: data labels
- OFFICE-2125Member Proposal: hidden drawing objects
- OFFICE-2116Member Proposal: additional numbering formats
- OFFICE-2114Member Proposal: Table Grid Size element
- OFFICE-2109Member Proposal: Points are integers in ODF, but floating-point in SVG
- OFFICE-2107Member Proposal: Version Significance
- OFFICE-3677Feature proposal: draw:escape-direction needs gluepoint with a combination of escape directions, e.g. left+up
- OFFICE-3920VDB startPeriod and endPeriod
- OFFICE-3703Proposal: ODF 1.3 Protection-Key Enhancements
- OFFICE-3678Clarification needed for draw:escape-direction with value of "auto"
- OFFICE-2103Member Proposal: Clarify how master-page-break and fo:break-before resp. fo:break:after interact
- OFFICE-2094Member Proposal: Clarify ShrinkAndFit
- OFFICE-2088Member Proposal: add default values
- OFFICE-2087Performance enhancements
- OFFICE-1994Include MathML and XForms schemas using NVDL
- OFFICE-1906style:apply-style-name
- OFFICE-4032Part 3, Table 1 Do Namespace URIs need updating?
- OFFICE-401819.600 definition of list
- OFFICE-401719.521 style:volatile no default, what happens when missing?
- OFFICE-401619.512.3 <style:tab-stop> and 19.512.4 <text:index-entry-tab-stop> both missing <text:table-index-source>?
- OFFICE-4015 19:492 style:leader-type default value? Meaning?
- OFFICE-3898Reference SVG 1.1 and SVG Tiny 1.2 as mandated formats for ODF-1.3
- OFFICE-3676attribute style:name in style:font-face should have type styleName, not string
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