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  1. Technical Advisory Board
  2. TAB-1251

Definitions of elements and attributes?



    • Type: Bug
    • Status: New
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: Akoma Ntoso Version 1.0 Part 1 CSPRD01
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Public reviews
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


    • Proposal:

      I'm not sure what is being gained by repeating the schema documentation a second time (in addition to part 2)

      Suggest for this instance:

      block (numbered clause with anchor)

      The block element is a generic container element. (I don't know what the next sentence means? Do you mean it can be embedded in another block element?)

      The name attribute should be defined in a numbered section once and only once:


      The attribute name specifies a name for an element.

      All invocations of "name" point to this one definition. Makes it much easier to maintain.

      I'm not sure what is being gained by repeating the schema documentation a second time (in addition to part 2) Suggest for this instance: block (numbered clause with anchor) The block element is a generic container element. (I don't know what the next sentence means? Do you mean it can be embedded in another block element?) *** The name attribute should be defined in a numbered section once and only once: name The attribute name specifies a name for an element. All invocations of "name" point to this one definition. Makes it much easier to maintain.


      Question: Are all the element/attribute definitions repeated in tables in Part 1 also contained in the schema? I ask because the statements in part 1 tables of elements and attributes don't appear to be declarative and stray from correct use of control language.

      For example:

      5.3 An introduction to general elements


      The block element is a generic element for a container. It can be placed in a container instead of any of the other blocks. The attribute name is required and gives a name to the element.




            • Assignee:
              patrick Patrick Durusau
            • Watchers:
              1 Start watching this issue


              • Created: