Type: 60-day Public Review
Status: Closed
Priority: Major
Resolution: Applied
Component/s: 60-day Public Review
The following request has been submitted to the OASIS TC Administrator on 12/07/2010:
Submitter's Name
Junghee Yun
TC Name
OASIS Web Services Quality Model (WSQM) TC
TC Email Address
Specification Title
Web Services Quality Factors v1.0
Approval Link
The purpose of this document is to provide the standard for quality factors of web services in their development, usage and management. Web services usually have distinguished characteristics. They are service-oriented, network-based, variously bind-able, loosely-coupled, platform independent, and standard-protocol based. As a result, a web service system requires its own quality factors unlike installation-based software. For instance, as the quality of web services can be altered in real-time according to the change of the service provider, considering real-time property of web services is very meaningful in describing the web services quality. This document presents the quality factors of web services with definition, classification, and sub-factors case by case. For each quality factor, related specifications annexed with a brief explanation. This specification can be generally extended to the definition of quality of SOA and provide the foundation for quality in the SOA system.
TC Description
OASIS Web Services Quality Model TC is developing specifications about quality of web services such as Web Services Quality Model (WSQM), Web Services Quality Factors (WSQF), and Web Services Quality Description Language (WS-QDL). WSQM is an overall model of quality of web services, and WSQF specifies quality factors. And WS-QDL describes the WSQM in the type of XML schema.
Notification List
WSQM TC : wsqm@lists.oasis-open.org
> Thank you for your request. We will schedule the QC review shortly. You can follow the progress at:
> http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN
> The Standards Development team.
[1] wsqm@lists.oasis-open.org
[2] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/38611/WS-Quality_Factors_v1.0_cd02.zip
[3] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/38593/Minutes%20of%206th%20Conference%20Call%202010.doc