Type: 60-day Public Review
Status: Closed
Priority: Major
Resolution: Applied
Component/s: 60-day Public Review
Submitter's Name: Kathryn Breininger
TC Name: ebXML CORE (ebCore) TC
TC email address: ebcore@lists.oasis-open.org
Specification Title: ebCore-PartyIdType-1.0 Committee Draft 03
Approval Link:
Link to Previous Public Review Announcement: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/201004/msg00003.html
Abstract: A mechanism for the identification of business partners in XML business docuemnts and XML message headers based on URN-based identifier types is required in many electronic business exchanges. This specification provides a formal URN-based mechanism for referencing party types from identification scheme catalogs using the OASIS URN namespace.
TC Description: The ebXML Core TC has been working on the Party ID Type specification to provide URN-based mechanisms for referencing party types using the OASIS URN namespace.
Notification List:
Notes: Note - please let me know if there are any problems with this submission package. I am having computer problems and have not been able to open files...