Type: 60-day Public Review
Status: Closed
Priority: Major
Resolution: Applied
Component/s: 60-day Public Review
The following request has been submitted to the OASIS TC Administrator on 22/09/2010:
Submitter's Name
Toby Considine
TC Name
OASIS Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC
TC Email Address
Specification Title
WS-Calendar v1.0
Approval Link
The WS-Calendar specification adapts the existing specifications for calendaring and apply them to a new specification for how schedule and event information is passed between and within services. The standard adopts the semantics and vocabulary of iCalendar for application to the completion of web service contracts. WS Calendar builds on work done and ongoing in The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium (CalConnect), which works to increase interoperation between calendaring systems, and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
> The specification describes how to specify a sequence of services, how to schedule them, and how to invoke them. The specification was developed to support use cases in smart grids and smart energy, but it supports any sort of coordinated activities between domains. The committee explicitly considered coordination between energy coordination, enterprise systems, building systems, and financial markets. The specification also defines an inheritance approach wherein information common to many time intervals is specified for an entire sequence, while supporting over-rides within any time interval.
> The committee is simultaneously releasing white paper for public review. The white paper provides a conceptual overview of the specification and its use. The committee recommends those encountering WS-Calendar for the first time to read the white paper before reviewing the specification.
TC Description
The committee anticipates that the primary use for the specifications is inclusion in other specifications, providing a common mechanism to solve coordination communications. Technical committees currently planning to incorporate WS-Calendar include the OASIS Energy Market Information Exchange TC (EMIX), the OASIS Energy Interoperation TC (EnergyInterop), and the OASIS Open Building Information Exchange TC (oBIX).
> The committee plans to submit the new semantic elements of Interval and Sequence, as well as the new inter-object Temporal Relations to the IETF for inclusion in iCalendar at a later time.
Notification List
NIST Smart Grid Team, c/o Dr. David Wollman (david.wollman@nist.gov)
> Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, c/o Stuart McCafferty (stuart@enernex.com)
> UCA International Users Group, c/o Kay Clinard, President (kay@ucaiug.org)
> OASIS oBIX TC, obix@lists.oasis-open.org
> OASIS EMIX TC, emix@lists.oasis-open.org
> OASIS Energy Interoperation TC, energyinterop@lists.oasis-open.org
> North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Smart Grid Task Force, naesb@naesb.org
> Smart Grid Architectural Committee, c/o Dr. Ronald Ambrosio, Chair (rfa@us.ibm.com)
> SGIP Priority Action Plan 4 (PAP04), c/o Dr. Aaron Snyder (aaron@enernex.com)
> Energy Information Standards Alliance, c/o David Bunzel (dbunzel@sccg.com)
> FIX Protocol Association, c/o Jim Northey (jimn@lasalletech.com)
> Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium c/o Dave Thewlis (dave@dcta.com)
> ASHRAE SPC201, c/o Steven Bushby (steven.bushby@nist.gov)
> IEC TC57, c/o Scott Neumann (sneumann@uisol.com)
> ISO, SIIA, c/o Derek Lasalle, derek.n.lasalle@jpmorgan.com
The review documents include XSDs and an EAP file. Because Enterprise Architect is the predominate tool used in the trade associaations and committees this document is provided as a convenience to reviewers. The EAP file is non-normative.
> Thank you for your request. We will schedule the QC review shortly. You can follow the progress at:
> http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN
> The Standards Development team.
[1] ws-calendar@lists.oasis-open.org
[2] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/39472/WS-Calendar-1-0-spec-cd-01.zip
[3] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/39484/Minutes_WS-Calendar-TC_20100917_Draft.txt