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  1. Technical Committee Administration
  2. TCADMIN-3011

Template / starter document request for Specification for Transfer of OpenC2 Messages via HTTPS



      Submitted on Friday, June 8, 2018 - 16:06
      Submitted by user:
      Submitted values are:

      Your name: David Lemire
      TC name: Open Command and Control (OpenC2)
      TC email address: openc2@lists.oasis-open.org
      Work product title and version number: Specification for Transfer of OpenC2
      Messages via HTTPS
      Work product abbreviation: open-impl-https
      Track: Standards Track Work Product
      Abstract: This specification describes the use of HTTPS as a transfer
      for OpenC2 messages. It explains the transfer of OpenC2 command and response
      messages using HTTP and the use of TLS to provide security.
      Format: Please describe in Notes section
      Joe Brule (jmbrule@nsa.gov), National Security Agency
      Sounil Yu (sounil.yu@bankofamerica.com), Bank of America
      Editor(s): David Lemire (dave.lemire@g2-inc.com), G2
      Notes: Please create a Markdown template document. Our intention is that the
      markdown version will be authoritative. I will also be submitting a request
      a new TC repo to hold this work product.

      The results of this submission may be viewed at:



          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment - - edited

          Editor listed (Dave Lemire) is not shown as a TC member, but is apparently very active in TC (3 messages in TC email list already this month). Affiliation (G2, Inc.) is a Sponsor Member, so I'll list as usual.

          He is a member of the openc2-actuator subcommittee, but not the main TC - a bit surprising.

          [1] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/openc2/201806/maillist.html

          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment - - edited Editor listed (Dave Lemire) is not shown as a TC member, but is apparently very active in TC (3 messages in TC email list already this month). Affiliation (G2, Inc.) is a Sponsor Member, so I'll list as usual. He is a member of the openc2-actuator subcommittee, but not the main TC - a bit surprising. [1] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/openc2/201806/maillist.html
          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment -

          Prepared Markdown template (first occasion for a Markdown template) and delivered in ZIP file to TC's email list:

          Subject: Starter Document for Specification for Transfer of OpenC2 Messages via HTTPS Version 1.0

          From: Paul Knight <paul.knight@oasis-open.org>
          To: openc2@lists.oasis-open.org
          Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 12:30:24 -0400
          Per the TC's submission request [1], please find the attached starter document for:

          Specification for Transfer of OpenC2 Messages via HTTPS Version 1.0
          WP-abbrev: open-impl-https

          The attached ZIP file contains the same material with two different file names:

          This is the first deployment of the OASIS Markdown template. Please let us know of any questions or issues. We look forward to your comments and suggestions for improvement.

          In particular, we would like to understand the tool stream you are using to publish your material - generating HTML and PDF files from the Markdown source.

          When the TC first votes [6] to publish this Work Product in the OASIS Library, we expect it to be published at:
          The permanent "Latest version" URI will be:

          Please let me know if anything here fails to meet your expectations.

              • Please note that some of the usual "boilerplate" instructions below may not apply to the OpenCs TC's use of Markdown ****

          Further revisions to this Work Product must be maintained in Working Drafts, following procedures detailed in the OASIS TC Administration How-to Guide [2].
          Working Drafts should be made available by uploading the document(s) to the TC's Kavi document repository, or (provisionally/temporarily) to the TC's github repository. TCs are encouraged to use ZIP packaging when the WD releases contain multiple files (and directories).

          For each WD revision, you will need to:
          1) increment the Working Draft revision (number) from 01 to 02, 03, 04 etc., as successive Working Drafts are produced; the revision number needs to be updated at the top of the document in the stage identifier (Working Draft ##) and in the document identifier within the page footer.

          2) supply the relevant publication/release/upload date for each successive Working Draft instance, using the prescribed date format: DD Month YYYY; the date needs to be updated at the top of the document (just below the stage identifier, Working Draft ##) and in the page footer.

          3) provide suitable text for a document Abstract, updating this summary with successive revisions to provide an accurate description of the subject matter, goals, scope, etc.

          4) keep the Acknowledgments (Appendix A) and Revision History (Appendix C) up-to-date with each WD revision.

          5) consult the OASIS Naming Directives document when creating new artifacts that may be part of the Work Product (e.g., image files, XML schemas), observing the rules for name characters in files and proposed directories, and for proposed URIs/namespaces [4].

          6) examine the instructions for construction of XML Namespace Identifiers (namespace URIs) and Namespace Documents [5] if your specification declares one or more XML namespaces or other namespace-related identifiers for (e.g.,) link relations, named properties, functions, dialects, faults, actions, or any named message types. All such identifiers, if HTTP-scheme, must begin with: http://docs.oasis-open.org/[tc-shortname]/ns/xxxx

          When the TC votes [6] to approve a Working Draft as a Committee Draft (CSD or CND), the Chair or other designated person must submit a "Committee Specification Draft Creation and Upload Request" accessible on the TC Administration Requests Page [7].

          Upon receipt of this form, the TC Administrator will QC and process the Work Product for official publication in the OASIS Library (http://docs.oasis-open.org/) as a Committee Draft, including addition of the requisite cover page metadata and other boilerplate information.

          =========== References:
          [1] https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN-3011
          [2] Developing Committee Specifications and Notes
          Starting a Working Draft
          [4] OASIS Naming Directives
          [5] OASIS Naming Directives - Namespace Identifiers and Namespace Documents
          [6] Approval of a WD as a CD (CSD or CND)
          [7] TC Administration Requests Page, see Committee Specification Draft Creation / Upload Request

          Best wishes,

          Paul Knight - Tel: +1 781-883-1783
          OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society - Document Process Analyst

          Attachment: open-impl-https-v1.0-wd01.md.zip
          Description: Zip compressed data

          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment - Prepared Markdown template (first occasion for a Markdown template) and delivered in ZIP file to TC's email list: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/openc2/201806/msg00008.html Subject: Starter Document for Specification for Transfer of OpenC2 Messages via HTTPS Version 1.0 From: Paul Knight <paul.knight@oasis-open.org> To: openc2@lists.oasis-open.org Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 12:30:24 -0400 Per the TC's submission request [1] , please find the attached starter document for: Specification for Transfer of OpenC2 Messages via HTTPS Version 1.0 WP-abbrev: open-impl-https The attached ZIP file contains the same material with two different file names: open-impl-https-v1.0-wd01.md open-impl-https-v1.0-wd01.md.txt This is the first deployment of the OASIS Markdown template. Please let us know of any questions or issues. We look forward to your comments and suggestions for improvement. In particular, we would like to understand the tool stream you are using to publish your material - generating HTML and PDF files from the Markdown source. When the TC first votes [6] to publish this Work Product in the OASIS Library, we expect it to be published at: http://docs.oasis-open.org/openc2/open-impl-https/v1.0/csd01/open-impl-https-v1.0-csd01.html The permanent "Latest version" URI will be: http://docs.oasis-open.org/openc2/open-impl-https/v1.0/open-impl-https-v1.0.html Please let me know if anything here fails to meet your expectations. Please note that some of the usual "boilerplate" instructions below may not apply to the OpenCs TC's use of Markdown **** Further revisions to this Work Product must be maintained in Working Drafts, following procedures detailed in the OASIS TC Administration How-to Guide [2] . Working Drafts should be made available by uploading the document(s) to the TC's Kavi document repository, or (provisionally/temporarily) to the TC's github repository. TCs are encouraged to use ZIP packaging when the WD releases contain multiple files (and directories). For each WD revision, you will need to: 1) increment the Working Draft revision (number) from 01 to 02, 03, 04 etc., as successive Working Drafts are produced; the revision number needs to be updated at the top of the document in the stage identifier (Working Draft ##) and in the document identifier within the page footer. 2) supply the relevant publication/release/upload date for each successive Working Draft instance, using the prescribed date format: DD Month YYYY; the date needs to be updated at the top of the document (just below the stage identifier, Working Draft ##) and in the page footer. 3) provide suitable text for a document Abstract, updating this summary with successive revisions to provide an accurate description of the subject matter, goals, scope, etc. 4) keep the Acknowledgments (Appendix A) and Revision History (Appendix C) up-to-date with each WD revision. 5) consult the OASIS Naming Directives document when creating new artifacts that may be part of the Work Product (e.g., image files, XML schemas), observing the rules for name characters in files and proposed directories, and for proposed URIs/namespaces [4] . 6) examine the instructions for construction of XML Namespace Identifiers (namespace URIs) and Namespace Documents [5] if your specification declares one or more XML namespaces or other namespace-related identifiers for (e.g.,) link relations, named properties, functions, dialects, faults, actions, or any named message types. All such identifiers, if HTTP-scheme, must begin with: http://docs.oasis-open.org/[tc-shortname]/ns/xxxx When the TC votes [6] to approve a Working Draft as a Committee Draft (CSD or CND), the Chair or other designated person must submit a "Committee Specification Draft Creation and Upload Request" accessible on the TC Administration Requests Page [7] . Upon receipt of this form, the TC Administrator will QC and process the Work Product for official publication in the OASIS Library ( http://docs.oasis-open.org/ ) as a Committee Draft, including addition of the requisite cover page metadata and other boilerplate information. =========== References: [1] https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN-3011 [2] Developing Committee Specifications and Notes https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tcadmin/developing-committee-specifications-and-notes Starting a Working Draft https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tcadmin/starting-a-working-draft [4] OASIS Naming Directives http://docs.oasis-open.org/specGuidelines/ndr/namingDirectives.html [5] OASIS Naming Directives - Namespace Identifiers and Namespace Documents http://docs.oasis-open.org/specGuidelines/ndr/namingDirectives.html#xml-namespaces [6] Approval of a WD as a CD (CSD or CND) https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tcadmin/approving-a-committee-specification-or-note-draft https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#committeeDraft [7] TC Administration Requests Page, see Committee Specification Draft Creation / Upload Request https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests Best wishes, Paul – Paul Knight - Tel: +1 781-883-1783 OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society - Document Process Analyst Attachment: open-impl-https-v1.0-wd01.md.zip Description: Zip compressed data
          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment -

          I've delivered the template, and am resolving this issue. Will reopen if needed to track TC comments or suggestions for improvement.

          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment - I've delivered the template, and am resolving this issue. Will reopen if needed to track TC comments or suggestions for improvement.
          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment - - edited

          tracking comments and responses for markdown:
          Thanks for providing the OpenC2 group with a markdown template for the “Specification for Transfer of OpenC2 Messages vis HTTPS Version 1.0”.
          I’m working on processing it for use in our document development process. Looking at the raw markdown, I notice a lot of <span> tags that attempt to change the text color. When the markdown is uploaded to GitHub, it appears that all these tags are ignored. Is there a reason that OASIS needs these tags?
          Jason Romano
          Hi Jason,

          I am hoping that when you generate HTML from the Markdown, the text colors will be visible in the HTML.
          Does that work for you?
          I've been using the "github markdown previewer" at:
          to put the template together, but I really don't know how well that tracks with the specific tools or scripts you are using.

          This is the first Markdown template we've prepared, so it's still very much a learning process - any insight on what you're doing will be appreciated.

          Best regards,

          paul.knight1 Paul Knight added a comment - - edited tracking comments and responses for markdown: ****** Thanks for providing the OpenC2 group with a markdown template for the “Specification for Transfer of OpenC2 Messages vis HTTPS Version 1.0”. I’m working on processing it for use in our document development process. Looking at the raw markdown, I notice a lot of <span> tags that attempt to change the text color. When the markdown is uploaded to GitHub, it appears that all these tags are ignored. Is there a reason that OASIS needs these tags? Jason Romano ********* Hi Jason, I am hoping that when you generate HTML from the Markdown, the text colors will be visible in the HTML. Does that work for you? I've been using the "github markdown previewer" at: http://tmpvar.com/markdown.html to put the template together, but I really don't know how well that tracks with the specific tools or scripts you are using. This is the first Markdown template we've prepared, so it's still very much a learning process - any insight on what you're doing will be appreciated. Best regards, Paul


            • Assignee:
              paul.knight1 Paul Knight
              dave.lemire David Lemire [X] (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              3 Start watching this issue


              • Created: