
    • Type: Document Upload
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: Start TC
    • Labels:
    • Environment:



      [ ] TC Admin - Capture initial best-guess TC data

      TC ShortName: SCIM
      IPR Mode: Non Assert
      TC Name: Supply Chain Information Model TC
      Note who submitted: Duncan Sparrell
      Draft charter:

      The projected timeline for basic milestones is:


      • c4c start: March 27, 2024
      • c4c end: April 14, 2024 (gave an extra couple of days due to the CASP event)
      • convener call: April 15 (tentative)
      • set up TC assets (HL, etc.): Week of April 15th
      • c4p (latest possible date): April 29
      • first mtg, conference call (earliest possible date): June 4 @ 1pm ET

      [X] TC Admin / Biz dev - Conduct final review of the submitted new TC proposal technical compliance with TC Process requirements, typos, etc.

      [ X] TC Admin - Distribute Call for Comment (announcement) to OASIS lists
      Add c4c text to the top of the charter.

      [X] TC Admin - Send email to Convener with next steps

      [ X ] TC Admin - Schedule the convener call

      [X ] Create the HL workgroup

      [ X] Create new TC startup files - charter and IRP page in higher logic.

      [ ] Create initial content for TC website: Notes, Description
      Use this template

      [ ] Manage / assign TC categories for the new TC and add to new website list

      [X ] Close the commenting on the Charter Google Doc
      Add text that commenting has closed

      [X ] TC Admin - Hold convener call

      [ X] Convener - If any changes identified, submit final TC proposal to OASIS

      [ X] TC Admin - If charter is updated, circulate the final TC proposal for sanity check review

      [ X] Publish charter (part 1 of submitted proposal) on TC public page

      [ ] Update the details in the HL group to reflect first meeting date, last date to join+vote, per agreed details

      [ X] TC Admin - Issue Call for Participation

      [ ] IS - Add CFP announcement link to charter and issue pull request


      [ X] Add TC to OASIS website

      [ X] Convener and TC Administration - Schedule TC first meeting on calendar

      [ ] TC Admin - Issue call for nominations for Chair
      Don’t Cc any pending members who are waiting for PR approval bc it confuses them on whether or not they are a member.

      [ ] TC Admin - Issue reminder of deadline to join in order to be eligible to vote at the first meeting

      [ ] TC Admin - Publish list of members eligible to vote at first meeting to TC mailing list and co-proposers

      [ ] create deck to be presented at first meeting. Work with Convener on meeting agenda.

      [ ] Convener and TC Administration - Convene first meeting

      [ ] IS - Create and test the comment list function on the day of first meeting or ASAP thereafter, and notify the TC members

      [ ] IS - Change the TC page content in "Announcements" section after first meeting

      [ ] TC Admin - Perform obligation counter update on day of first meeting - or just check/confirm correctness if this is automated

      [ ] TC Admin - Set role(s) for [Co-]Chair after election

      [ ] TC Admin - Set signed-up+actuallyAttended "Members" to "Voting Member"

      [ ] TC Admin: rest obligation counter




            • Assignee:
              kelly.cullinane Kelly Cullinane
              duncan Duncan Sparrell
            • Watchers:
              1 Start watching this issue


              • Created: