
    • Proposal:

      Proposals are named conflicts in the XML example (9)

      Proposals are named conflicts in the XML example (9)


      <?xml version="1.0"?>

      -<CatalogueRequest xmlns:ccts-cct="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:specification:CoreComponentTypeSchemaModule:2" xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:cac="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CatalogueRequest-2">

      <!-- Pre-award catalogue request identifier -->


      <!-- Pre-award catalogue request issue date -->


      <!-- Pre-award catalogue request issue time -->


      <!-- Pre-award catalogue request version -->

      <!-- CONFLICT: UBL misses an appropriate syntax element -->

      <!-- Contracting body -->


      <!-- binding for party information requirements -->


      <!-- Economic operator -->




      <!-- CONFLICT: Requires a TC440 specific document type code -->

      <cbc:DocumentTypeCode ccts-cct:listVersionID="" ccts-cct:listID=""> PRE_AWARD_CATALOG_REQUEST_PREVIOUS_VERSION </cbc:DocumentTypeCode>



      <!-- Pre-award catalogue request previous version -->






      <!-- Item request -->


      <!-- Item request identifier -->


      <!-- REMARK: Cardinality: 1..1 -->


      <!-- Item request minimum quantity / Item request quantity -->


      <!-- Item request maximum quantity / Item request quantity -->



      <!-- Item request minimum price -->

      <!-- Item request maximum price -->

      <!-- CONFLICT: UBL misses an appropriate syntax element -->

      <!-- Resolution: cac:RequiredItemLocationQuantity/cac:Price[condition] -->

      <!-- Delivery period -->

      <!-- CONFLICT: UBL misses an appropriate syntax element -->

      <!-- Resolution: cac:RequiredItemLocationQuantity/cbc:LeadTimeMeasure -->

      <!-- REMARK: Cardinality: 1..1 -->


      <!-- Item request description -->


      <!-- Item request name -->


      <!-- Item request classification -->


      -<cbc:ItemClassificationCode ccts-cct:listID="Id for a classification/code system">

      <!-- Classification name = @ccts-cct:name -->

      <!-- Classification version = @ccts-cct:listVersionID -->

      <!-- Classification code = text::node() -->



      <!-- Item property request -->


      <!-- Item property request identifier -->


      <!-- Item property request name -->


      <!-- Item property request description -->

      <!-- CONFLICT: UBL misses an appropriate syntax element -->

      <!-- Item property request relevance -->


      <!-- Item property request value -->



      <!-- REMARK: needed according to UBL cardinality: 1..1-->


      <!-- Item property request minimum value -->


      <!-- Item property request maximum value -->



      <!-- Item property request classification -->

      <!-- CONFLICT: 0..* vs 0..1 in UBL -->

      -<cbc:NameCode ccts-cct:listID="Id for a classification/code system">

      <!-- Classification name = @ccts-cct:name -->

      <!-- Classification version = @ccts-cct:listVersionID -->

      <!-- Classification code = text::node() -->



      <!-- Estimated value -->

      <!-- CONFLICT: UBL misses an appropriate syntax element -->

      <!-- Resolution: AdditionalItemProperty[condition] -->

      <!-- Total budget amount -->

      <!-- CONFLICT: UBL misses an appropriate syntax element -->

      <!-- Resolution: AdditionalItemProperty[condition] -->






          gkholman Ken Holman (Inactive) added a comment -

          I just added a value for "Component" in an attempt to get this ticket visible using filter:

          gkholman Ken Holman (Inactive) added a comment - I just added a value for "Component" in an attempt to get this ticket visible using filter:
          kduvekot Kees Duvekot (Inactive) added a comment -

          Moved towards 2.3 .. this request needs more time than is currently available.

          kduvekot Kees Duvekot (Inactive) added a comment - Moved towards 2.3 .. this request needs more time than is currently available.
          keesduvekot Kees Duvekot added a comment -

          Cecile Guasch do we need to discuss this in the TC call?

          keesduvekot Kees Duvekot added a comment - Cecile Guasch do we need to discuss this in the TC call?
          keesduvekot Kees Duvekot added a comment -

          Cecile Guasch if you agree with closing this issue, then please include that in a comment in this issue.

          keesduvekot Kees Duvekot added a comment - Cecile Guasch if you agree with closing this issue, then please include that in a comment in this issue.
          keesduvekot Kees Duvekot added a comment -

          I suggest to close this ticket. The points appear to be no longer relevant

          keesduvekot Kees Duvekot added a comment - I suggest to close this ticket. The points appear to be no longer relevant


            • Assignee:
              keesduvekot Kees Duvekot
     Ole Madsen (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              5 Start watching this issue


              • Created: