Status: Resolved
Resolution: Applied
Component/s: Documents and business objects
At today's call we identified the need to include a TaxTotal/CalculationSequenceNumeric to accommodate tax calculations where a particular tax scheme is applied to an amount produced by a preceding tax scheme calculation.
Examples found in Australia: For wine, a wine equalization tax is added first and then GST (VAT) on top of that. And reverse for cars, the GST is added first and then a luxury car tax is added on top of that for new cars.
We already have a CalculationSequenceNumeric in the TaxSubtotal, but in the above example, the different taxes belong to different tax scheme and therefore would belong to different TaxTotals.
Added a CalculationSequenceNumeric to the Tax Total with the definition "The number of this tax total in the sequence of tax totals corresponding to the order in which multiple taxes are applied. If all taxes are applied to the same taxable amount (i.e., their order of application is inconsequential), then CalculationSequenceNumeric is 1 for all tax totals applied to a given amount."