Yes it was agreed that the Committee Note for Payment Means Information addresses the requirement to convey electronic payment initiation information, in particular see example 2.2.4 Electronic Wallet e.g. Paypal, AfterPay or other vendors which shows how PaymentMeans InstructionNote can be used.
Therefore this issue should be closed.
Some additional background:
The purpose of a Quick Response (QR) Code is to act as a bridge between the physical world and the digital world by offering a quick and easy way to access digital information or services. The QR code is a machine-readable image that is usually affixed to a physical object or rendered on a physical device (e.g. EFTPOS terminal). It is generally scanned by a smartphone or dedicated QR Reading device as an efficient contactless method to convert physical information into digital.
Adding a QR code to an electronic document will only be beneficial if the document is printed. In the context of electronic messaging, where messages are already machine-readable and automatically processed by systems rather than humans, adding a QR code would be unnecessary and counter-productive.
For conveying payment means information, in a digital form, the guidance in the Payment Means committee note is sufficient. The information intended to be provided by the QR code could simply be embedded in the document by leveraging any of the methods recommended in the document. The document can be reviewed against any new payment methods at a future date.
Discussed at today's Pacific call: may need to add a new PaymentInitiation information item to include this data. Data should be able to be represented in textual form so as to contain information such as the EPC QR code (