
    • Proposal:

      AvailabilityIntervals paint the available times within the AvailTimeRangeType (interval). The timeRange attribute of the VavailabilityType describes the specific range of discussion. The CS01 semantics for AvailTimeRangeType address this use case, at the possible expense of an empty object. But a schedule of availability for all time seems an edge use case as well.

      Moreover, Vavailability does not seem the appropriate mechanism for this kind of schedule.

      Reject: No change.

      AvailabilityIntervals paint the available times within the AvailTimeRangeType (interval). The timeRange attribute of the VavailabilityType describes the specific range of discussion. The CS01 semantics for AvailTimeRangeType address this use case, at the possible expense of an empty object. But a schedule of availability for all time seems an edge use case as well. Moreover, Vavailability does not seem the appropriate mechanism for this kind of schedule. Reject: No change.
    • Resolution:

      Accept the proposal. Re-review after next draft of Standards Track Vavailability RFC.

      Examine PIM for consistency in allowing optional attributes where all content is optional.

      Accept the proposal. Re-review after next draft of Standards Track Vavailability RFC. Examine PIM for consistency in allowing optional attributes where all content is optional.


      Issue 3 of 3. Split for separate discussion. See WSCALENDAR-547 for full issue and references.

      3. VavailabilityType.timeRange – we would like this attribute to be optional since we are talking in general about an abstract billing interval. We don’t want to bound it to a finite time range.

      Additional Comment:
      On behalf of the ASHRAE SPC201 committee, we would like to request Vavailability.timeRange be an optional attribute. While we recognize that its datatype AvailabilityTimeRangeType contains all optional attributes, we would like the option of not having to carry around an empty structure if the user does not choose to limit the range of time.




            • Assignee:
              douglm Michael Douglass (Inactive)
              william.cox William Cox (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              1 Start watching this issue


              • Created: