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  1. OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC
  2. XLIFF-9

Use (also) the normal ITS namespace in the ITSM module



    • Proposal:

      This has been resolved by consensus in the TC meeting 6th Dec 2016:
      The ITS Module will use the W3C ITS namespace
      The XLIFF catalog file will point to OASIS hosted validation artifacts xsd and sch
      The validation artifacts will declare the W3C namespace but otherwise won't change their validation logic
      The XLIFF-defined definition in Key Concepts
      will be extended to protect the W3C ITS namespace.

      This has been resolved by consensus in the TC meeting 6th Dec 2016: -------------------------------------------------------------------- The ITS Module will use the W3C ITS namespace The XLIFF catalog file will point to OASIS hosted validation artifacts xsd and sch The validation artifacts will declare the W3C namespace but otherwise won't change their validation logic The XLIFF-defined definition in Key Concepts http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.1/csprd01/xliff-core-v2.1-csprd01.html#d0e585 will be extended to protect the W3C ITS namespace.
    • Resolution:

      This has been resolved by consensus in the TC meeting 6th Dec 2016:
      The ITS Module will use the W3C ITS namespace
      The XLIFF catalog file will point to OASIS hosted validation artifacts xsd and sch
      The validation artifacts will declare the W3C namespace but otherwise won't change their validation logic
      The XLIFF-defined definition in Key Concepts
      will be extended to protect the W3C ITS namespace.

      This has been resolved by consensus in the TC meeting 6th Dec 2016: -------------------------------------------------------------------- The ITS Module will use the W3C ITS namespace The XLIFF catalog file will point to OASIS hosted validation artifacts xsd and sch The validation artifacts will declare the W3C namespace but otherwise won't change their validation logic The XLIFF-defined definition in Key Concepts http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.1/csprd01/xliff-core-v2.1-csprd01.html#d0e585 will be extended to protect the W3C ITS namespace.


      Looking at the rules files for ITSM, we can see there are several data categories that cannot be mapped by rules because they do not
      have pointer attributes available.

      • Localization Quality Issues
      • Localization Quality Rating
      • Provenance
      • MT Confidence

      This means a pure ITS processor cannot process an XLIFF document and get any data for those data categories.

      This would be resolved if the namespace was ITS' rather than the ITSM (ITS Module) namespace.

      I believe we selected early on to go with ITSM even for the data categories defined from scratch because of the <sm/> case where the
      semantics need to be adjusted. Since, we establish (I think) that the <sm/> case is such that ITS processors cannot really resolve
      it anyway.

      In other words, the <sm/> case is hopeless if you are not an XLIFF processor, whether you use ITS or ITSM, and XLIFF processors do
      treat <sm/> in a special way in the case of ITSM. They could do the same for ITS.

      Hence, it seems all the data categories that ITSM implements 'from scratch' could be in the normal ITS namespace, and work for both
      XLIFF and ITS processors.


        There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.



            • Assignee:
              fsasaki Felix Sasaki [X] (Inactive)
              ysavourel Yves Savourel [X] (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              4 Start watching this issue


              • Due: