
    • Proposal:

      19.15 chart:axis-type

      The chart:axis-type attribute specifies if the axis values are interpreted as text, dates, or automatically by the consumer.

      If an axis type is set to “date” or has been set to “auto” and interpreted by the consumer to contain dates, the axis will rendered with the dates scaled across the axis and the data points placed at the corresponding date on the axis.

      If the attribute is missing, the default value is "auto".

      11.10 chart:date-scale

      The <chart:date-scale> element specifies how an axis that contains date values is formatted.

      19.15 chart:base-time-unit

      The chart:base-time-unit attribute specifies the smallest time unit that is displayed on the date axis.

      If the attribute is missing, the resolution is chosen automatically by the consumer.

      19.24 chart:major-interval-unit

      The chart:major-interval-unit attribute specifies the unit of the major interval on a date axis.

      The unit shall be the same as the chart:base-time-unit or greater.

      19.24 chart:major-interval-value

      The chart:major-interval-value attribute specifies the distance between two major interval marks on a date axis.

      The major interval for a linear scaled axis is simply the distance between two major interval marks.

      The major interval for logarithmic scales defines the distance in orders of magnitude between two major interval tick marks: let x1 and x2 be consecutive major tick marks, then the value of the attribute is the same as log(x2)-log(x1).

      If the attribute is missing, the distance between major tick marks is chosen automatically by the consumer.

      19.24 chart:minor-interval-value

      The chart:minor-interval-value attribute specifies the number of minor intervals per major interval on a date axis.

      If the attribute is missing, the distance between minor tick marks is chosen automatically by the consumer.

      The value shall not be greater than the chart:major-interval-value.

      19.24 chart:minor-interval-unit

      The chart:minor-interval-unit attribute specifies the unit of the minor interval on a date axis.

      The unit shall be the same as the chart:base-time-unit or greater.

      --- Documents/odf/tc/OpenDocument-schema-v1.3-wd06-with-fixes.rng	2018-06-25 13:31:52.506732295 +0200
      +++ Documents/odf/tc/2119-schema-v2.rng	2018-06-26 16:37:20.510991568 +0200
      @@ -433,18 +433,41 @@
         <rng:define name="character">
           <rng:data type="string">
             <rng:param name="length">1</rng:param>
         <rng:define name="chart-axis">
           <rng:element name="chart:axis">
             <rng:ref name="chart-axis-attlist"/>
      +        <rng:choice>
      +          <rng:group>
      +            <rng:attribute name="chart:axis-type">
      +              <rng:value>auto</rng:value>
      +            </rng:attribute>
      +            <rng:optional>
      +              <rng:ref name="chart-date-scale"/>
      +            </rng:optional>
      +          </rng:group>
      +          <rng:group>
      +            <rng:attribute name="chart:axis-type">
      +              <rng:value>date</rng:value>
      +            </rng:attribute>
      +            <rng:ref name="chart-date-scale"/>
      +          </rng:group>
      +          <rng:group>
      +            <rng:attribute name="chart:axis-type">
      +              <rng:value>text</rng:value>
      +            </rng:attribute>
      +          </rng:group>
      +        </rng:choice>
      +      </rng:optional>
      +      <rng:optional>
               <rng:ref name="chart-title"/>
               <rng:ref name="chart-categories"/>
               <rng:ref name="chart-grid"/>
      @@ -584,18 +607,45 @@
               <rng:attribute name="chart:style-name">
                 <rng:ref name="styleNameRef"/>
               <rng:ref name="xml-id"/>
      +  <rng:define name="chart-date-scale">
      +    <rng:element name="chart:date-scale">
      +      <rng:interleave>
      +        <rng:optional>
      +          <rng:attribute name="chart:base-time-unit">
      +            <rng:ref name="chart-time-unit"/>
      +          </rng:attribute>
      +        </rng:optional>
      +        <rng:optional>
      +          <rng:attribute name="chart:major-interval-value">
      +            <rng:ref name="positiveInteger"/>
      +          </rng:attribute>
      +          <rng:attribute name="chart:major-interval-unit">
      +            <rng:ref name="chart-time-unit"/>
      +          </rng:attribute>
      +        </rng:optional>
      +        <rng:optional>
      +          <rng:attribute name="chart:minor-interval-value">
      +            <rng:ref name="positiveInteger"/>
      +          </rng:attribute>
      +          <rng:attribute name="chart:minor-interval-unit">
      +            <rng:ref name="chart-time-unit"/>
      +          </rng:attribute>
      +        </rng:optional>
      +      </rng:interleave>
      +    </rng:element>
      +  </rng:define>
         <rng:define name="chart-dimension">
         <rng:define name="chart-domain">
           <rng:element name="chart:domain">
      @@ -939,18 +989,25 @@
         <rng:define name="chart-subtitle">
           <rng:element name="chart:subtitle">
             <rng:ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
               <rng:ref name="text-p"/>
      +  <rng:define name="chart-time-unit">
      +    <rng:choice>
      +      <rng:value>days</rng:value>
      +      <rng:value>months</rng:value>
      +      <rng:value>years</rng:value>
      +    </rng:choice>
      +  </rng:define>
         <rng:define name="chart-title">
           <rng:element name="chart:title">
             <rng:ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
               <rng:ref name="text-p"/>
         <rng:define name="chart-title-attlist">
      19.15 chart:axis-type The chart:axis-type attribute specifies if the axis values are interpreted as text, dates, or automatically by the consumer. If an axis type is set to “date” or has been set to “auto” and interpreted by the consumer to contain dates, the axis will rendered with the dates scaled across the axis and the data points placed at the corresponding date on the axis. If the attribute is missing, the default value is "auto". 11.10 chart:date-scale The <chart:date-scale> element specifies how an axis that contains date values is formatted. 19.15 chart:base-time-unit The chart:base-time-unit attribute specifies the smallest time unit that is displayed on the date axis. If the attribute is missing, the resolution is chosen automatically by the consumer. 19.24 chart:major-interval-unit The chart:major-interval-unit attribute specifies the unit of the major interval on a date axis. The unit shall be the same as the chart:base-time-unit or greater. 19.24 chart:major-interval-value The chart:major-interval-value attribute specifies the distance between two major interval marks on a date axis. The major interval for a linear scaled axis is simply the distance between two major interval marks. The major interval for logarithmic scales defines the distance in orders of magnitude between two major interval tick marks: let x1 and x2 be consecutive major tick marks, then the value of the attribute is the same as log(x2)-log(x1). If the attribute is missing, the distance between major tick marks is chosen automatically by the consumer. 19.24 chart:minor-interval-value The chart:minor-interval-value attribute specifies the number of minor intervals per major interval on a date axis. If the attribute is missing, the distance between minor tick marks is chosen automatically by the consumer. The value shall not be greater than the chart:major-interval-value. 19.24 chart:minor-interval-unit The chart:minor-interval-unit attribute specifies the unit of the minor interval on a date axis. The unit shall be the same as the chart:base-time-unit or greater. --- Documents/odf/tc/OpenDocument-schema-v1.3-wd06-with-fixes.rng 2018-06-25 13:31:52.506732295 +0200 +++ Documents/odf/tc/2119-schema-v2.rng 2018-06-26 16:37:20.510991568 +0200 @@ -433,18 +433,41 @@ <rng:define name="character"> <rng:data type="string"> <rng:param name="length">1</rng:param> </rng:data> </rng:define> <rng:define name="chart-axis"> <rng:element name="chart:axis"> <rng:ref name="chart-axis-attlist"/> <rng:optional> + <rng:choice> + <rng:group> + <rng:attribute name="chart:axis-type"> + <rng:value>auto</rng:value> + </rng:attribute> + <rng:optional> + <rng:ref name="chart-date-scale"/> + </rng:optional> + </rng:group> + <rng:group> + <rng:attribute name="chart:axis-type"> + <rng:value>date</rng:value> + </rng:attribute> + <rng:ref name="chart-date-scale"/> + </rng:group> + <rng:group> + <rng:attribute name="chart:axis-type"> + <rng:value>text</rng:value> + </rng:attribute> + </rng:group> + </rng:choice> + </rng:optional> + <rng:optional> <rng:ref name="chart-title"/> </rng:optional> <rng:optional> <rng:ref name="chart-categories"/> </rng:optional> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name="chart-grid"/> </rng:zeroOrMore> </rng:element> @@ -584,18 +607,45 @@ <rng:attribute name="chart:style-name"> <rng:ref name="styleNameRef"/> </rng:attribute> </rng:optional> <rng:optional> <rng:ref name="xml-id"/> </rng:optional> </rng:interleave> </rng:define> + <rng:define name="chart-date-scale"> + <rng:element name="chart:date-scale"> + <rng:interleave> + <rng:optional> + <rng:attribute name="chart:base-time-unit"> + <rng:ref name="chart-time-unit"/> + </rng:attribute> + </rng:optional> + <rng:optional> + <rng:attribute name="chart:major-interval-value"> + <rng:ref name="positiveInteger"/> + </rng:attribute> + <rng:attribute name="chart:major-interval-unit"> + <rng:ref name="chart-time-unit"/> + </rng:attribute> + </rng:optional> + <rng:optional> + <rng:attribute name="chart:minor-interval-value"> + <rng:ref name="positiveInteger"/> + </rng:attribute> + <rng:attribute name="chart:minor-interval-unit"> + <rng:ref name="chart-time-unit"/> + </rng:attribute> + </rng:optional> + </rng:interleave> + </rng:element> + </rng:define> <rng:define name="chart-dimension"> <rng:choice> <rng:value>x</rng:value> <rng:value>y</rng:value> <rng:value>z</rng:value> </rng:choice> </rng:define> <rng:define name="chart-domain"> <rng:element name="chart:domain"> @@ -939,18 +989,25 @@ </rng:define> <rng:define name="chart-subtitle"> <rng:element name="chart:subtitle"> <rng:ref name="chart-title-attlist"/> <rng:optional> <rng:ref name="text-p"/> </rng:optional> </rng:element> </rng:define> + <rng:define name="chart-time-unit"> + <rng:choice> + <rng:value>days</rng:value> + <rng:value>months</rng:value> + <rng:value>years</rng:value> + </rng:choice> + </rng:define> <rng:define name="chart-title"> <rng:element name="chart:title"> <rng:ref name="chart-title-attlist"/> <rng:optional> <rng:ref name="text-p"/> </rng:optional> </rng:element> </rng:define> <rng:define name="chart-title-attlist">




          • Assignee:
            regina.henschel Regina Henschel (Inactive)
            rcweir Robert Weir (Inactive)
          • Watchers:
            6 Start watching this issue


            • Created: