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  1. OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC
  2. OFFICE-3742

Public Comment: ODF1.2 draw:style rect/round vs svg:stroke-linecap



    • Proposal:

      (1) Add following sentences to section 20.164 svg:stroke-linecap:

      For a dashed line, caps are applied to each dash. The values of the draw:dots1-length, draw:dots2-length and draw:distance attributes of the referenced <draw:stroke-dash> element refer to the dashes without cap.

      If the referenced <draw:stroke-dash> element has an attribute draw:style, the attribute draw:style is ignored.

      (2) In section 19.218.5 <draw:stroke-dash> add:

      This attribute is evaluated for a shape if its style does not contain an svg:stroke-linecap attribute.

      (1) Add following sentences to section 20.164 svg:stroke-linecap: For a dashed line, caps are applied to each dash. The values of the draw:dots1-length, draw:dots2-length and draw:distance attributes of the referenced <draw:stroke-dash> element refer to the dashes without cap. If the referenced <draw:stroke-dash> element has an attribute draw:style, the attribute draw:style is ignored. (2) In section 19.218.5 <draw:stroke-dash> add: This attribute is evaluated for a shape if its style does not contain an svg:stroke-linecap attribute.


      Copied from office-comment list

      Original author: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@t-online.de>
      Original date: 11 Jan 2012 14:21:39
      Original URL: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/201201/msg00000.html

      From the post:

      The element "<draw:stroke-dash>" (16.40.9) has an attribute "draw:style" (19.218.5). This attribute specifies a rendering for a stroke-dash using the values

      "rect: dash has a rectangular shape."
      "round: dash has a round shape."

      On the other hand the ends of stroked subpaths can be set with the attribute "svg:stroke-linecap" (20.164) using the values butt, round, and square.

      It might be, that the settings are contradictory. For example draw:style sets "rect" and svg:stroke-linecap sets "round".

      I miss a rule to handle this inconsistence. Another solution would be to get rid of the attribute "draw:style" in this context.




            • Assignee:
              rcweir Robert Weir (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              3 Start watching this issue


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