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  1. OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC
  2. OFFICE-3950

text:ruby element needs special casing in 3.17 Foreign Elements and Attributes


    • Proposal:

      considering the existing schema, the easiest fix is to just add the <text:ruby-base> element to the list of "root" elements:

      "if the OpenDocument schema permits the inclusion of character data for all its ancestors up to the <text> or <text:h> ancestor element, or a <text:ruby-base> ancestor element,"

      (Note: the sentence begins with "If a foreign element has a <text:h> or <text> ancestor element" - this should not be changed, it's OK.)

      to clarify, no changes to the existing schema are needed.

      considering the existing schema, the easiest fix is to just add the <text:ruby-base> element to the list of "root" elements: "if the OpenDocument schema permits the inclusion of character data for all its ancestors up to the <text > or <text:h> ancestor element, or a <text:ruby-base> ancestor element," (Note: the sentence begins with "If a foreign element has a <text:h> or <text > ancestor element" - this should not be changed, it's OK.) to clarify, no changes to the existing schema are needed.


      ODF 1.2 part 1, 3.17 Foreign Elements and Attributes
      contains this sentence:

      "if the OpenDocument schema permits the inclusion of character data for all its ancestors up to the <text> or <text:h> element ancestor element,"

      clearly the intent here is character data that ends up as paragraph text, and as usual the special case of the ruby element isn't handled.

      			<element name="text:ruby">
      					<attribute name="text:style-name">
      						<ref name="styleNameRef"/>
      				<element name="text:ruby-base">
      						<ref name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink"/>
      				<element name="text:ruby-text">
      						<attribute name="text:style-name">
      							<ref name="styleNameRef"/>

      <text:ruby> does not allow <text/> directly, so any character data inside <text:ruby-base> is excluded by the language in 3.17.



          patrick Patrick Durusau added a comment -


          patrick Patrick Durusau added a comment - OpenDocument-v1.3-wd10-part3-documents.odt


            • Assignee:
              michaelst Michael Stahl [X] (Inactive)
              michaelst Michael Stahl [X] (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              2 Start watching this issue


              • Created: