Summary of changes to the final sentence of the Semantics description field in 6.13.14 ISBLANK, 6.13.18 ISFORMULA, 6.13.19 ISLOGICAL, 6.13.21 ISNONTEXT, 6.13.22 ISNUMBER, 6.13.24 ISREF, 6.13.25 ISTEXT:
Ensured that sentence starts consistently with the words "Note that...". [Dropped this change for consistency with resolution of OFFICE-4113]
- Added the words "..., but returns FALSE in such cases" at the end of the sentence in functions ISBLANK, ISLOGICAL, ISNUMBER and ISTEXT.
- Added the words "..., but returns TRUE in such cases" at the end of the sentence in function ISNONTEXT.
6.13.14 ISBLANK
Semantics: If X is of type Number, Text, or Logical, return FALSE. If X is a reference to a cell, examine the cell; if it is blank (has no value), return TRUE, but if it has a value, return FALSE. A cell with the empty string is not considered blank. This function does not propagate Error values, but returns FALSE in such cases.
Semantics: If X refers to a cell whose value is computed by a formula, return TRUE, else return FALSE. A formula itself may compute a constant; in that case it will still return TRUE since it is still a formula. Passing a non-reference, or a reference to more than one cell, is implementation-defined. This function does not propagate Error values.
Semantics: If X is of type Logical, returns TRUE, else FALSE. Evaluators that do not have a distinct Logical type will return the same value ISNUMBER(X) would return. This function does not propagate Error values, but returns FALSE in such cases.
Semantics: If X is of type Text, ISNONTEXT returns FALSE, else TRUE. If X is a reference, it examines what X references. References to empty cells are not considered text, so for reference to an empty cell ISNONTEXT will return TRUE. Empty Cell 4.7. This function does not propagate Error values, but returns TRUE in such cases.
6.13.22 ISNUMBER
Semantics: If X is of type Number, returns TRUE, else FALSE. Evaluators need not have a distinguished Logical type; in such evaluators, ISNUMBER(TRUE()) is TRUE. This function does not propagate Error values, but returns FALSE in such cases.
6.13.24 ISREF
Semantics: If X is of type Reference or ReferenceList, return TRUE, else return FALSE. Note that unlike nearly all other functions, when given a reference this function does not then examine the value being referenced. Some functions and operators return references, and thus ISREF will return TRUE when given their results. X may be a ReferenceList, in which case ISREF returns TRUE. This function does not propagate Error values.
6.13.25 ISTEXT
Semantics: If X is of type Text, returns TRUE, else FALSE. References to empty cells are NOT considered Text. If X is a reference, examines what X references. References to empty cells are NOT considered Text, so a reference to an empty cell will return FALSE. Empty Cell 4.7 This function does not propagate Error values, but returns FALSE in such cases.
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