- OSLCPROMCO-18Should use different font for class names in appendix A
- OSLCPROMCO-11PROMCODE Vocabulary Appears to Duplicate Some Terms from OSLC EMS
- OSLCPROMCO-10Write descriptions text for Resource Shape attributes
- OSLCPROMCO-1Simplify RDF vocabulary by eliminating redundant inverse properties
- OSLCPROMCO-12Revise chapters 1 and 2 to simplify explanations
- OSLCPROMCO-9Writing a Shape document for Domain Model 2.26
- OSLCPROMCO-3Define change management scenario and model to be used in PROMCODE spec
- OSLCPROMCO-4the PROMCODE TC should have a representative/liaison in the OSLC Core TC
- OSLCPROMCO-2determine the proper namespace to use for our vocabulary(ies)
- OSLCPROMCO-17Making ManagedItem resources to belong to a project
- OSLCPROMCO-15Examine the use of code font for Class and properties and revise the draft for improvement.
- OSLCPROMCO-16Remove dependency of EMS from Appendix A.
- OSLCPROMCO-13Examine the dependency of Core 3.0 on LDP and modify the PROMCODE spec draft accordingly.
- OSLCPROMCO-14Check the wording of chapters and sections in the current draft and modify the draft accordingly.
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