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745: "Assets are under the control of a Resource" is misleading - ENERGYINTEROP-622
EIQuote payloads and interaction patterns need to be made consistent with EIEvent. - ENERGYINTEROP-610
SignalTypeEnumeratedType has been completely changed and is no longer consistent with the way it was previously defined and used. - ENERGYINTEROP-568
In EiEventType eventID is defined twice and we are missing the uid. - ENERGYINTEROP-320
Clarify and make consistent the use of Resource and Asset across Energy interoperation and EMIX - ENERGYINTEROP-295
247: Missing Interactions and Data Elements - ENERGYINTEROP-288
715: Information classification for NERC CIP is in-scope for the IRC - ENERGYINTEROP-287
644: ISO's need to comply with NERC CIP, which should be clear in the example - ENERGYINTEROP-247
(line 825)...the DRAS is retail specific, not wholesale. Does conformance imply that a DRAS is required for compliance with the spec? - ENERGYINTEROP-652
Include conformance statement from TC discussions August 2011 - ENERGYINTEROP-671
Resource Definition and Location - ENERGYINTEROP-674
Hiding from Actors - ENERGYINTEROP-664
Editorial - narrative - Trevor Hardy - ENERGYINTEROP-673
Bias in Matching Algorithm - ENERGYINTEROP-206
Line 323 and Section 5: EI DR DLC approaches not addressed elsewhere in the document - ENERGYINTEROP-205
Line 721: testEvent should be expanded from Boolean to allow for indication of other types of Events: Advanced (Normal), Immediate, Audit/Test. - ENERGYINTEROP-204
Line 721 Status is applicable to both asset and resource. - ENERGYINTEROP-203
Line 718 Section 7.3.1 - Feedback vs. Status - ENERGYINTEROP-202
Line 710 Figure 16 - Opt out is applicable to both asset and resource. - ENERGYINTEROP-201
Line 706: OptOut equivalent in IRC model includes: economic, emergency, must run, not participating, outage run status, override status, participating. - ENERGYINTEROP-200
Line 689: Where is the class / complex data type EIConstraintBehavior defined? - ENERGYINTEROP-199
Line 685: Constraints are applicable to Both Asset and Resource. - ENERGYINTEROP-198
Line 655 Feedback is provided by both Asset and Resource. Add Resource association or ID reference. - ENERGYINTEROP-197
Line 624. "a price event is performed using a SendQuote operation" is followed by table with xxEvent operations. - ENERGYINTEROP-196
Lines 649, 624 Figure 10 identifies EISend... and EISent payloads. There is no matching service in the table on line 624. - ENERGYINTEROP-195
Lines 598, 604 where is the interaction for DR Standing Bid defined? - ENERGYINTEROP-194
Figures 2,3,4,7 refer to ERM party. I do not see that term defined. - ENERGYINTEROP-193
General - Beat the horse - we've identifed the issue with respect to levels - ENERGYINTEROP-192
General - A toaster in CA that sheds 10MW using simple levels. Address the issue - different system integrators for different programs. - ENERGYINTEROP-191
General - One thing is a model : DR is done by having a building integrator spend 2 weeks. - ENERGYINTEROP-190
General - Big request for BAS - give us one standard, don't change it. - ENERGYINTEROP-189
General - Two interp you can give to a level that you exchanged. One is that you've exchanged/sent a price table, and the label is an index into the table. In scope for PAP09 and EI. The other is information for load shedding. Then DLC is another thing. - ENERGYINTEROP-188
General - Talking to CAISO - they understand the logic behind this. They are looking into providing level for the different situations, rather than or on top of comm price. - ENERGYINTEROP-187
General - Price means a lot to customer, not a lot to customer load shed strategies unless customer can respond to a spec price...has to be some exchange from a price to a level - up to the program to decide. Communication has to be possible. - ENERGYINTEROP-186
General - Even at edge conformance group. Go to OpenADR. - ENERGYINTEROP-185
General - Direct reaction to Rish - understand toasters need HML, interact with those. What are the conformance rules for HML? If it's only kinda high or medium? - ENERGYINTEROP-184
General - WRT the simplified L/M/H (Normal/Mod/High) has to be included - critical for compatibility and ease of use of information. - ENERGYINTEROP-183
General - Dyn price, not just real time prices. - ENERGYINTEROP-182
General - Need a better understanding of how schedules are tied to eventinfo type. - ENERGYINTEROP-181
General - Don't see simple price levels -- can be an instance of the eventinfo type - ENERGYINTEROP-180
General - Simple levels - not semantically coupled to anytyhing in the signals there - ENERGYINTEROP-179
591 - Send all three - price rel, current, and H/L/M?WTC - ENERGYINTEROP-178
General - Going to have to have - BB argument -- a better undersanding of hosw the scheds/intervals are tied to the event info type. - ENERGYINTEROP-177
591 - Comment on l591 - dig deeper and understand what it means. If want to transmit a price...simpler. An EiEvent never contains a price. Agree with M should be able to include other data items. No notion of the simple levels of price from OpenADR. - ENERGYINTEROP-176
588 - Go back to l588. Meat so far. Need more gap analysis. - ENERGYINTEROP-175
General - Not much time to analyze the UML. Didn't see references to EMIX - ENERGYINTEROP-174
Section 12 - Purpose of the section? Objective? Asumptions for marty - ENERGYINTEROP-173
All sections, and 796 - Combine - each section where you have a class of services, have a structure where you present models, schema fragments, and sequence diagrams that illustrate how a service works. Easier to digest for the readers. - ENERGYINTEROP-172
Sections 6.3 and 6.4 - Sections list services. Documentation looks pretty good. Do you intend/would it be a good idea to present state machines that show the various states for this and the lifecycles? - ENERGYINTEROP-171
613 - One - issues about gluon - ENERGYINTEROP-170
610 - In the event info you're limited to events relating to active power. Should be able to support any measurement. Quantity you're measuring by - why not gas, water, reactive? - ENERGYINTEROP-169
610 - Looking at relationship of events for the deployment level. - ENERGYINTEROP-168
587-591 - Accidentally had a thought - when you have the service naming.On the operation - may want to insert EiEvent to distinguish - objects should match the service name. Helps when you throw it over the wall to a software development. - ENERGYINTEROP-167
492, 500 - If A is a Distributed Generation fac - will it reverse roles? When does it? Incorporate in new section 3 - ENERGYINTEROP-166
492 - Redundant IJK,...in drawing. Why is [last] K and second level C & D shown? They're not doing anything. - ENERGYINTEROP-165
472, 477 - Typo - promissee should be promissor - ENERGYINTEROP-164
469 - Define terminology - define or refererence. - ENERGYINTEROP-163
468 - Reference TEMIX and EMIX. More examples. - ENERGYINTEROP-162
435, 454-455 - Are buyers and seller defined before? The place you get tripped up are words used every day. - ENERGYINTEROP-161
397 - Assumes timely automated metering? Also automated pricing information - ENERGYINTEROP-160
404 - In EMIX we're moving from offers to bids; need to clarify here - ENERGYINTEROP-159
401-407 - Looking at 4 essential market activites. Where is (or is not) the distribution of day ahead price/RTP? - ENERGYINTEROP-158
402 - Good intro - CIM alignment - ENERGYINTEROP-157
414 - Moving target - rewrite to current "tender" etc - ENERGYINTEROP-156
383 - Comm method other than WS is out of scope - clarify that highlight. Defines a transport. Make sure to the casual reader that they can tell. Make sure that Web services is clear as transport protocol - ENERGYINTEROP-155
374-5 - Also could include supply projections. And consider bidirectional energy flow. - ENERGYINTEROP-154
377 - In scope - info models for contract and product distrib. Explain. Is product connection the product definition in EMIX? - ENERGYINTEROP-153
341 - Rewrite section - ENERGYINTEROP-152
352, 363 - Elsewhere use "consumer" - in REC "members".Here use "customer". "consumers" is more accurate. - ENERGYINTEROP-151
General - In language for EI Scope and in the dirgram, transmission and distribution domains are ignored. Are we ignoring these from the rest 7 domains? Are we totally ignoring those interactions and the rest of the SG? - ENERGYINTEROP-150
231 - "Energy consumers" line.... Need better explanation. Unclear how manage your local energy supply. Seems curtailment is not part of their local energy supply. - ENERGYINTEROP-149
226 - granular is ambiguous - ENERGYINTEROP-148
217 - Calling it "local generation" will clarify - ENERGYINTEROP-147
217 - Should be a dotted from generator to the consumer. - ENERGYINTEROP-145
Line 919 (now wd14 961) - conflicts with the Service Provider definition from NIST - ENERGYINTEROP-142
Line 738 (now wd14 805) - PAP 10 does not apply to wholesale - ENERGYINTEROP-141
Line 732 (now wd14 799) - What's a transaction? - ENERGYINTEROP-137
Line 719 (now wd14 786) - why events only for reliability? - ENERGYINTEROP-135
Suggestion for new language for lines 420-438 of WD 14. Addresses types of prices in Energy Interop per our discusion at EI meeting on 10/13/10. - ENERGYINTEROP-134
LIne 702: (Section Performance Signals) needs clarification on what performance is - ENERGYINTEROP-133
Lines 633-634: Standarnd seems to only allow for one way of doing business - ENERGYINTEROP-129
Line 590 (Section Event Services) - ENERGYINTEROP-128
Lines 453-454: Impact of using WS-Calendar to wholesale markets - ENERGYINTEROP-127
Line 385 - (Section 2.3 Approach) - ENERGYINTEROP-125
Lines 386-389 - What is the purpose of this paragraph? - ENERGYINTEROP-118
Lines 328-381 - Section 2.1 Scope of Energy Interoperation - ENERGYINTEROP-117
Lines 33-41: Use of Web Services - ENERGYINTEROP-113
Wd 13 General - we need to agree on a detailed outline - the document is too unstructured for further comments. - ENERGYINTEROP-112
Line 519 - this section seems to focus on transactive interactions but starts out with a description of the ERM and Participant roles that don't apply here. - ENERGYINTEROP-111
line 492 says we will be begin with Transactive interactions but then we jump directly to DR interactions - ENERGYINTEROP-110
Line 466 : Actors are not buyer or seller, but actors are parties such as customers, generators, aggregators, ISOs that depending on the situation take on the role of buyer or seller - ENERGYINTEROP-109
Line 328 Section 2.1 Does scope only include transactive energy, DR and DER interactions - ENERGYINTEROP-108
Indication of how firm a quote is - ENERGYINTEROP-104
All - Terminology; see how the next draft is. - ENERGYINTEROP-103
All - The section on TeMIX - TBD - is that valid in this standard? Only reviewed the TeMIX white paper, a way of using this. - ENERGYINTEROP-102
All - Albert Chiu Wants his name on the acknowledgements. Ed K: a party not a participant? - ENERGYINTEROP-101
874 - Pile on. In conformance, reference the IETF document with SHALL, etc. Line 923 is something you can't really test for conformance. - ENERGYINTEROP-100
874 - True for entire document. Def scope and divided the sections. Within each could be much bigger conformance scopes, or a separate entity might be addressing each. - ENERGYINTEROP-99
874 - If there's a testing and conformance process, could be referenced. - ENERGYINTEROP-98
874 - My question - assuming conformance related to testing and cert - not clear what we're trying to certify here? - ENERGYINTEROP-97
886 - Some way to characterize/clarify what the potential applications of this standard may be. - ENERGYINTEROP-96
886 - Don't belong here. DRAS, timing are not general. Is there something that may not permit market-demanded response? - ENERGYINTEROP-95
886 - Name DRAS should be out. - ENERGYINTEROP-94
886 - Note in regard to performance expectations. Talks about performance parameters in terms of seconds. Is this suitable within this document given that some networks are and have been deployed. - ENERGYINTEROP-93
869 - Mentioned in the introduction, OpenADR Task Force in the process of formalizing SRS. Then will work on OpenADR issues. That work would be very useful for the EITC to collaborate - ENERGYINTEROP-92
764 - In this and previous, don't think PAP10 will cover the ISO/RTO perspective. - ENERGYINTEROP-91
764 - Need to clarify load and usage projections - at facility, constraint area level, ISO/RTOs look at it differently. - ENERGYINTEROP-90
764 - Add something about the work in ASHRAE - ENERGYINTEROP-89
760 - I understand that this may come up out of NAESB process that should be addressed. Not just initial, it's the constant updating. Aggregator moving in/out their participants in/out of their relationship. - ENERGYINTEROP-88
760 - Last week in NAESB meeting discussions about ISO and RTO do not have programs. You have products. And that kind of thing. - ENERGYINTEROP-87
760 - Not programs; NAESB is doing a spec - ENERGYINTEROP-86
760 - Didn't see anything on DR enrollment processes. - ENERGYINTEROP-85
762 - M&V reason pap10 is here - usage models. For M&V? When I look at it, not sure of connection. - ENERGYINTEROP-84
756 - Table talks about Event states and transactions; the text talks about "outstanding events" - kind of a state of an event, unless you say transactions are equiv to outstanding events. - ENERGYINTEROP-83
754 row 1 - Consistency across document. - ENERGYINTEROP-82
754 - "set and retained until deleted" - are we talking about who deletes it? Do we need to clarify? - ENERGYINTEROP-81
754 - Punctuation problem. And spurious highlight. - ENERGYINTEROP-80
750-751 - Not sure what this means? Doesn't seem like a sentence. May be missing a period after Participant. Don't' understand what you're saying. - ENERGYINTEROP-79
744 row 2 and 6 - Different between adjust and modify - ENERGYINTEROP-78
742 - Invoking a DR reliability event. But say "DR event" - does this mean it can't be used for anything else? Only reliability event? - ENERGYINTEROP-77
731, 735 - Third row in each table. In my understanding the delete attribute - disappears and destroys. - ENERGYINTEROP-76
738 - "Dr" should be "DR". If service name blank, should be Dr, but in text DR. - ENERGYINTEROP-75
718 - General is really more DR services and needs to be more clearly defined. - ENERGYINTEROP-74
717 - Follow the ISO/ED design pattern. Your point Gerry was that the pattern was to follow on a data element. - ENERGYINTEROP-73
717 - General thought. Did you have a standard naming convention for the service names.? - ENERGYINTEROP-72
710 - Challenge in sentence "derived from..." - ENERGYINTEROP-71
690 - Have a figure like that in the SRS where we model the logical components. - ENERGYINTEROP-70
699 - Recursive pattern - should it visible in this diagram? It needs to be stated more clearly. - ENERGYINTEROP-69
690 - Diagram could be more clearly. - ENERGYINTEROP-68
674 - General comment - defined two actors, NOT two CLASSES of actors. - ENERGYINTEROP-67
674 - Maybe add shading or a box to indicate a program to make this more clear. - ENERGYINTEROP-66
674 - Entity A when I look in columns, says BE and E are in the same program. Or enrolled as Participants. (in the same program) - ENERGYINTEROP-65
674 - Wholesale reducing energy. Could have two different aggregator, one with a set of pool pumps and another with a set of Air Conditioners. Might bifurcate down the chain, higher converse. If blue circles taken out of columns might be easier to read. - ENERGYINTEROP-64
674 - Last part - situation, follow A=E=L. Single context could be a single event issued by A. Go to E, playing role of an asset. A node could be both participant and ERM. I think that could be ok. - ENERGYINTEROP-63
674 - Last part - situation, follow A=E=L. Single context could be a single event issued by A. Go to E, playing role of an asset. A node could be both participant and ERM. I think that could be ok. - ENERGYINTEROP-62
674 - Different program in that case - ENERGYINTEROP-61
674 - Incorporated same concepts in SRS from the EPRI paper. - ENERGYINTEROP-60
674 - Can have two bosses - say AC program, lighting program, could have two different companies controlling that resource with potentially different programs. - ENERGYINTEROP-59
674 - Don't have two bosses. More than two? - ENERGYINTEROP-58
674 - Context again - not drawn here. - ENERGYINTEROP-57
674 - At very end said Figure 5, seems to refer to Figure 6. - ENERGYINTEROP-56
640 - Interactions - is it important or worthwhile to note that interactions are always in a context, and if so, should we say that the parties play different roles in a given context? - ENERGYINTEROP-55
640 - After outlining that Party is either, why not use it instead of "Entity"? Use "Party". - ENERGYINTEROP-54
640 - Figure numbers under the figures and the text don't line up. - ENERGYINTEROP-53
607 - Define party as a Party, use it everywhere capitalized. Same with the word Actor. - ENERGYINTEROP-52
600 - Is this ESI definition in sync with OpenHAN and SEP 2.0 or the other references? Rish: Use NIST definition of ESI. NIST has very clearly defined in the Framework. - ENERGYINTEROP-51
599 - Discuss whether M&V in scope or not. Utility settlement, separate transaction. Not sure whether in the scope. Active discussion. NAESB Wholesale and retail M&V, bigger issue to look. - ENERGYINTEROP-50
599 - Reference NAESB standards for verification. One option. Ratified 2 years ago. Set of wholesale and retail standards that define verify techs. If were to be included. - ENERGYINTEROP-49
If we've def diff between "energy" and "smart energy" -- I think we should, don't know the energy. - ENERGYINTEROP-48
587 - A: Reduction contracts. But first two sentences talk about market ops. Confusing. - ENERGYINTEROP-47
587 - Suggest bullets to be consistent. - ENERGYINTEROP-46
585-586 - Not sure it's a sentence. DH Clause, bullets in a larger sentence. Should be formatted more clearly or rewritten. 580 says "essential issues are" - nice to know where they came from? - ENERGYINTEROP-45
575 - State that these terms are defined by reference to EMIX without saying which . Need reference. Don't remember the point "Real Time Price" or "Forward Price" of other terms. Better binding would be useful. - ENERGYINTEROP-44
573 - SOA - "oriented" should be capitalized. - ENERGYINTEROP-43
559 - Would you/should you be putting a reference to those actors here, or listing those actors? Terms of actors for service definitions only have three actors that are somewhat generic. If not explicitly using actors, may strike the paragraph. - ENERGYINTEROP-42
563 - Subsections under 3.1 are normative definitions. But none appear to be definitions of terms. Descriptions and pointers. - ENERGYINTEROP-41
568 - EMIX intervals - refer to WS-Calendar instead. - ENERGYINTEROP-40
536 - Is the principle of parsimony well understood? Is it a technical term that doesn't need definition? - ENERGYINTEROP-39
511 - Most energy trans are small...must be automatable. Improve wording and clarify section. - ENERGYINTEROP-38
501 - A bit of editorial stretching. E.g. l514. This should be a more technical document. - ENERGYINTEROP-37
Collaborative - Point being made about the benefits of collaborative energy. Someone mentioned a FERC report and response (national assessment and action plan) that makes a case for price responsive demand. Maybe that should be used. Rich will send also. - ENERGYINTEROP-36
452 - How is this related to the grid? Part of why someone would spend money on CHP. Not just a stressed grid. - ENERGYINTEROP-35
439 - Contrast 2.4.2 and 2.4.3- commercial, a lot that you can do. In industrial processes, may be more limited opp. How relevant is it to what we're trying to do? GG: Why on this level of detail. SC: If captured, ref to a paper. - ENERGYINTEROP-34
450 - Because of...manage internal process. Commercial can do the same, depends on level/type of load shape you're talking about and the level of balancing. - ENERGYINTEROP-33
449-452 - Can schedule long running processes in advance. Assume you mean "industrial process" but not the "DR Process" - long DR, curtail for a long time, or do something with their "long industrial process" - ENERGYINTEROP-32
section 2.4.x - Consider using the term "non-residential"? DaveK Also subways, other systems. - ENERGYINTEROP-31
439 - "commercial" - others that are large - e.g. municipal. What's a hospital? DH Commercial and institutional? DK Schools and hospitals aren't buildings? C&I =- institutional. - ENERGYINTEROP-30
441 - "PCs" - what do you mean? Personal Computers? Clarify and correct. If intent, based on powerful computing platforms rather than a thermostat. - ENERGYINTEROP-29
434 - Threw the skunk on the table - mentioned purging of heading defining managed energy. But you use it on 434. Making a comparison to something not defined. - ENERGYINTEROP-28
432 - Mention a project - good to have a citation. - ENERGYINTEROP-27
420 - Is that only in the case of collaborative energy? How does it apply? - ENERGYINTEROP-26
420 - In double quotes - quote - cite Stephanie Hamilton. - ENERGYINTEROP-25
427 - Electricity on demand. More concerned about CHP, selling thermal energy. On CABA, building automation people this is critical. Nature of controls. - ENERGYINTEROP-24
400-404 - Not literally speaking? "Defined in the SOA sense." Clarify with line 404, what you mean there. - ENERGYINTEROP-23
396 second sentence - "Capabilities..." seems to miss something - not a sentence. - ENERGYINTEROP-22
390 - Say "Does include other forms.." - make it positive. - ENERGYINTEROP-21
383 - Second sentence. What does deep integration mean? - ENERGYINTEROP-20
372-405 - 383 is not the name of the information model - need to figure out what to call it. Probably get the name of the TC or Information Model -- will look it up and email. Rish: Like 61968/70 for example? - ENERGYINTEROP-19
357 2.2.2 - Bullets not consistent. First bullet on 359, implies indentation. 362-363 - just for clarity, information (H/P/Projected) put that in front of load and usage. Not limited to... not connected to just load and usage. - ENERGYINTEROP-18
2.2.1 - Energy Interoperate support transaction energy, DR... broader than DR. - ENERGYINTEROP-17
343 - Says "chain of electricity" - in light of potential of Smart Grid should make as broad as possible. - ENERGYINTEROP-16
316 - National action plan for demand response, Tom send link/reference - ENERGYINTEROP-15
316 - IRC - not sure if wholesale document. Done work in summarizing all the DR types of programs in the whole US. - ENERGYINTEROP-14
316 - All electricity, gas and other energy industries are not included. - ENERGYINTEROP-13
332 - Energy Information Service Provider should be EISP (not ESP). Possible typo. - ENERGYINTEROP-12
Non-Norm - Link for TeMIX, need other requirements - ENERGYINTEROP-11
252 - Should ref TCP, etc - ENERGYINTEROP-10
212 - Should we be using info model that's already developed? - ENERGYINTEROP-9
212 - Should this be showing balancing operators as well, they have to coordinate the scheduling of generation resources. - ENERGYINTEROP-8
208-240 - Question on diagram: Generator I assume is the power plant, not the DER? Not customer? Include the ISO to generator? - ENERGYINTEROP-7
Conf - Conformance language - collaborate with SGIP SGTCC? - ENERGYINTEROP-6
TOC - Section 1 - through. 2. guiding principles, philosophy. Section 3 vocabulary, specific services. 4 is architecture. - ENERGYINTEROP-5
33 - Lines 44-47 like the comments, didn't use elsewhere. - ENERGYINTEROP-4
49, 35 - OASIS SOA and TC - don't have the doc. Is there list of definitions and abbreviation. - ENERGYINTEROP-3
33 - Combined heat and power - thermal. Later talk about Smart Grid, not just DR. Should be broad enough. - ENERGYINTEROP-2
33 - Nothing that limits it to DR. (Correct) Broader than DR. - ENERGYINTEROP-1
35-36, 26? - Sentence is not complete - ENERGYINTEROP-401
Update EiEnroll service interaction table - ENERGYINTEROP-400
Sequence diagrams to support message exchange pattern narrative - ENERGYINTEROP-399
Use of eiQuote to represent Time-of-Use and Consumption Block rates
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data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10022&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC\"\n value=\"10022\">\n OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC (XACML)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10052&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC\"\n value=\"10052\">\n OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC (IDCLOUD)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10025&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Identity Metasystem Interoperability (IMI) TC\"\n value=\"10025\">\n OASIS Identity Metasystem Interoperability (IMI) TC (IMI)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10026&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Integrated Collaboration Object Model for Interoperable Collaboration Services (ICOM) TC \"\n value=\"10026\">\n OASIS Integrated Collaboration Object Model for Interoperable Collaboration Services (ICOM) TC (ICOM)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10029&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC\"\n value=\"10029\">\n OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC (KMIP)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10480&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC\"\n value=\"10480\">\n OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC (LEGALDOCML)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10160&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS LegalRuleML TC\"\n value=\"10160\">\n OASIS LegalRuleML TC (LEGALRULEML)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=11380&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC`\"\n value=\"11380\">\n OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC` (LEGALXMLCO)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10150&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC\"\n value=\"10150\">\n OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC (MQTT)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10681&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS OCPP Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Data Exchange TC\"\n value=\"10681\">\n OASIS OCPP Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Data Exchange TC (OCPP)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10140&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX) TC\"\n value=\"10140\">\n OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX) TC (OBIX)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10103&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC\"\n value=\"10103\">\n OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC (ODATA)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10027&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC\"\n value=\"10027\">\n OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC (OFFICE)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10023&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) TC\"\n value=\"10023\">\n OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) TC (OIC)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10380&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration Core (OSLC Core) TC\"\n value=\"10380\">\n OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration Core (OSLC Core) TC (OSLCCORE)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10182&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Automation (OSLC Automation) TC\"\n value=\"10182\">\n OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Automation (OSLC Automation) TC (OSLCAUTO)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10171&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Change and Configuration Management (OSLC CCM) TC\"\n value=\"10171\">\n OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Change and Configuration Management (OSLC CCM) TC (OSLCCCM)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10184&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery\"\n value=\"10184\">\n OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery (OSLCPROMCO)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10152&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS PKCS 11 TC\"\n value=\"10152\">\n OASIS PKCS 11 TC (PKCS)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10280&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Privacy by Design Documentation for Software Engineers (PbD-SE) TC\"\n value=\"10280\">\n OASIS Privacy by Design Documentation for Software Engineers (PbD-SE) TC (PBDSE)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10041&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Security Services (SAML) TC\"\n value=\"10041\">\n OASIS Security Services (SAML) TC (SECURITY)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10090&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Service Component Architecture / Assembly (SCA-Assembly) TC\"\n value=\"10090\">\n OASIS Service Component Architecture / Assembly (SCA-Assembly) TC (SCAASSEMBLY)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10091&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Service Component Architecture / Bindings (SCA-Bindings) TC\"\n value=\"10091\">\n OASIS Service Component Architecture / Bindings (SCA-Bindings) TC (SCABINDINGS)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10092&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Service Component Architecture / BPEL (SCA-BPEL) TC\"\n value=\"10092\">\n OASIS Service Component Architecture / BPEL (SCA-BPEL) TC (SCABPEL)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10088&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Service Component Architecture / C and C++ (SCA-C-C++) TC\"\n value=\"10088\">\n OASIS Service Component Architecture / C and C++ (SCA-C-C++) TC (SCACANDCPP)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10093&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Service Component Architecture / J (SCA-J) TC\"\n value=\"10093\">\n OASIS Service Component Architecture / J (SCA-J) TC (SCAJ)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10089&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Service Component Architecture / Policy (SCA-Policy) TC\"\n value=\"10089\">\n OASIS Service Component Architecture / Policy (SCA-Policy) TC (SCAPOLICY)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10048&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture End-to-End Resource Planning (SOA-EERP) TC\"\n value=\"10048\">\n OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture End-to-End Resource Planning (SOA-EERP) TC (SOAEERP)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10043&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS SOA Reference Model TC\"\n value=\"10043\">\n OASIS SOA Reference Model TC (SOARM)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10055&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS SOA Repository Artifact Model and Protocol (S-RAMP) TC\"\n value=\"10055\">\n OASIS SOA Repository Artifact Model and Protocol (S-RAMP) TC (SRAMP)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10024&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Solution Deployment Descriptor (SDD) TC\"\n value=\"10024\">\n OASIS Solution Deployment Descriptor (SDD) TC (SDD)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10060&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Symptoms Automation Framework (SAF) TC\"\n value=\"10060\">\n OASIS Symptoms Automation Framework (SAF) TC (SAF)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10049&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC\"\n value=\"10049\">\n OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC (TAG)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10085&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC\"\n value=\"10085\">\n OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC (TOSCA)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10183&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC\"\n value=\"10183\">\n OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC (UBL)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10061&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Unstructured Operation Markup Language eXtended (UOML-X) TC\"\n value=\"10061\">\n OASIS Unstructured Operation Markup Language eXtended (UOML-X) TC (UOMLX)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10161&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) TC\"\n value=\"10161\">\n OASIS Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) TC (VIRTIO)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10087&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Web Experience Management Interoperability (WEMI) TC\"\n value=\"10087\">\n OASIS Web Experience Management Interoperability (WEMI) TC (WEMI)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10110&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Web Services Basic Reliable and Secure Profiles (WS-BRSP) TC\"\n value=\"10110\">\n OASIS Web Services Basic Reliable and Secure Profiles (WS-BRSP) TC (WSBRSP)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10045&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC\"\n value=\"10045\">\n OASIS Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC (WSCALENDAR)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10031&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Web Services Discovery and Web Services Devices Profile (WS-DD) TC\"\n value=\"10031\">\n OASIS Web Services Discovery and Web Services Devices Profile (WS-DD) TC (WSDD)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10044&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) TC\"\n value=\"10044\">\n OASIS Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) TC (WSSX)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10053&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS Web Services Security Maintenance (WSS-M) TC\"\n value=\"10053\">\n OASIS Web Services Security Maintenance (WSS-M) TC (WSSM)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10680&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC\"\n value=\"10680\">\n OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC (XLIFF)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10051&size=small\"\n title=\"OASIS XRI Data Interchange (XDI) TC\"\n value=\"10051\">\n OASIS XRI Data Interchange (XDI) TC (XDI)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10104&size=small\"\n title=\"Technical Advisory Board\"\n value=\"10104\">\n Technical Advisory Board (TAB)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10010&size=small\"\n title=\"Technical Committee Administration\"\n value=\"10010\">\n Technical Committee Administration (TCADMIN)\n </option>\n \n <option data-icon=\"/secure/projectavatar?pid=10101&size=small\"\n title=\"Z OASIS Liaisons\"\n value=\"10101\">\n Z OASIS Liaisons (LIAISONS)\n </option>\n </optgroup>\n </select>\n </div>\n \n","jql":"project = ENERGYINTEROP","validSearcher":true,"isShown":true},"assignee":{"name":"Assignee","editHtml":"\n \n <div class=\"field-group aui-field-userlist\" >\n <label for=\"searcher-assigneeSelect\">Assignee</label>\n <fieldset rel=\"assignee\" class=\"hidden user-group-searcher-params\">\n </fieldset>\n <select class=\"js-usergroup-checkboxmultiselect\" multiple=\"multiple\" id=\"assignee\" name=\"assignee\" data-placeholder-text=\"Enter username or group\">\n <optgroup>\n <option class=\"headerOption\" data-icon=\"https://issues.oasis-open.org/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10123\" value=\"empty\" title=\"Unassigned\">Unassigned</option>\n </optgroup>\n <optgroup>\n </optgroup>\n </select>\n <input type=\"hidden\" 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<option class=\"imagebacked\" data-icon=\"/images/icons/statuses/resolved.png\" value=\"5\" title=\"Resolved\" data-simple-status=\"{"id":"5","name":"Resolved","description":"A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.","iconUrl":"/images/icons/statuses/resolved.png","statusCategory":{"id":3,"key":"done","colorName":"green"}}\">Resolved</option>\n <option selected=\"selected\" class=\"imagebacked\" data-icon=\"/images/icons/statuses/closed.png\" value=\"6\" title=\"Closed\" data-simple-status=\"{"id":"6","name":"Closed","description":"The issue is considered finished, the resolution is correct. Issues which are closed can be reopened.","iconUrl":"/images/icons/statuses/closed.png","statusCategory":{"id":3,"key":"done","colorName":"green"}}\">Closed</option>\n <option class=\"imagebacked\" data-icon=\"/images/icons/statuses/assigned.png\" value=\"10000\" title=\"New\" data-simple-status=\"{"id":"10000","name":"New","description":"","iconUrl":"/images/icons/statuses/assigned.png","statusCategory":{"id":2,"key":"new","colorName":"blue-gray"}}\">New</option>\n <option class=\"imagebacked\" data-icon=\"/images/icons/statuses/down.png\" value=\"10001\" title=\"Deferred\" data-simple-status=\"{"id":"10001","name":"Deferred","description":"","iconUrl":"/images/icons/statuses/down.png","statusCategory":{"id":4,"key":"indeterminate","colorName":"yellow"}}\">Deferred</option>\n <option class=\"imagebacked\" data-icon=\"/images/icons/statuses/document.png\" value=\"10002\" title=\"Applied\" data-simple-status=\"{"id":"10002","name":"Applied","description":"","iconUrl":"/images/icons/statuses/document.png","statusCategory":{"id":4,"key":"indeterminate","colorName":"yellow"}}\">Applied</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n \n","jql":"status = Closed","validSearcher":true,"isShown":true}}}
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